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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 92:

That night, Chen Tanliang had a nightmare.

He dreamed that he was in a glorious palace with no one around him. At this moment, a person wearing a yellow dragon robe slowly approached, Chu Jingyuan.

Chu Jingyuan was wearing a complicated hat on his head. With a wave of his wide sleeves, he picked up a writing brush and said:

"Chen Aiqing, I will send you a line."

Then, he continued to write on the rice paper.

I saw that the brushstrokes were vast and powerfully written: It’s really nice to have a young handsome at home, more like a baby than Guoguo...

Chen Tanliang took two steps back in shock, Chu Jingyuan had already stretched out his hand to grab his arm, and his eagle-like sharp eyes were watching him tightly.

"Chen Tanliang, why do you force me to drink Guoguo's AD calcium milk?"

After he said this sentence, the echo still rang, Chen Tanliang's brain was full of AD calcium milk, AD calcium milk, AD calcium milk...

Chen Tanliang opened his eyes abruptly, pushed away the quilt on his body and sat up. He panted and looked down at his phone-it was only three thirty in the morning.

Chen Tanliang closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

He blamed Chu Jingyuan for all his nightmares.

If it weren't for Chu Jingyuan who always provoke him these past two days, how could he have nightmares and dream of Chu Jingyuan? !

There is also that crooked poem with no connotation, saying what an apology is, obviously it is deliberate to anger him again.

Chen Tanliang was completely awake, not at all sleepy. He sat in the dark for a while, thinking that the opposite Chu Jingyuan slept really soundly, but because this guy couldn't sleep well, he didn't get angry.

No, I can't let Chu Jingyuan sleep so securely!

Chen Tanliang got out of bed, walked out silently, and came to the door of Jing Yuan's confinement. He twisted it quietly-Jing Yuan didn't lock the door, he opened the door silently.

Sure enough, there was also silence in Jing Yuan's room, and there was a sound of gentle breathing.

Sleeping soundly. Chen Tanliang narrowed his eyes.

In the next second, Jing Yuan, who was sleeping, suddenly felt a shock on his head, like an earthquake, which shook his eyes.

"What the hell--"

Jing Yuan got up, and then he could see that Chen Tanliang was standing by the head of his bed, slowly retracting his feet-feelings were just because Chen Tanliang kicked his head of the bed fiercely.

"Chen Tanliang, you are going crazy!" Jing Yuan said angrily.

Chen Tanliang snorted coldly, "It deserves it, you let me have a nightmare, and you don't want to sleep yourself."

After saying this, Chen Tanliang left aggressively.

Jing Yuan sat on the bed for a while with his hair in a daze, with a strand of startled hair on his head.

He began to doubt life, how did he get so confused that anyone dared to enter his house and kick him awake in the middle of the night?

Jing Yuan thought that he was awakened by Chen Tanliang, and he must not be let go, so he got up and went to Chen Tanliang's house again. Unexpectedly, Chen Tanliang locked the door.

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