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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 43:

When I got up in the morning, Xiaoxue covered P City.

On Christmas last night, Jing Yuan grabbed Jing Xuan for a good drink. Even though Jing Xuan's drink volume is very good, he was still dizzy when I woke up today.

Jiang Shining finished changing clothes and went downstairs to put on boots. When I was bending over, I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders. Jing Yuan had covered her with a large black down jacket with very thick fabric.

"It's snowing outside, wear more." Jing Yuan said.

Jiang Shining took down the down jacket and took a look, and then said disgustingly, "It's too unfashionable. I'm the boss of an entertainment company. I have to dress more stylishly."

"Whatever you wear is fashionable and good-looking, put it on."

Jing Yuan was carrying the down jacket, thinking like a little wife in Jiang Shining's ear.

Jiang Shining pretended not to hear anything. She put on her fashionable plaid trench coat and was very satisfied with the matching in the mirror.

Well, every day you have to dress yourself up with the idea of ​​being photographed on the street!

She was beautiful for a while, but she felt that Xiaoxue was in a good mood.

"See you tonight, you work hard to get your company." Jiang Shining said to Jing Yuan happily. Then he picked up his small bag of the same color.

When she opened the door, she suddenly felt that her shoulder was put on a down jacket again, and Jing Yuan said, "See you tonight!"

Then quickly closed the door.

Jiang Shining:...

Could this son of her be stupid, he forgot that she had the key?

Forget it, don't worry about kids. Jiang Shining had to put on a down jacket and went to the garage to get the car. In fact, this short distance is a bit cold, but Jiang Shining's physique is amazing, and he won't catch a cold at all. That's why I wear it as autumn in winter.

Getting into the driving seat, Jiang Shining threw the down jacket at the co-pilot, drove out of the community, and went to the company.

At home, after another ten minutes, Jing Xuan will also go to work. He dressed well in his suit, as if he was looking for something, but he couldn't find it.

"Jing Yuan, did you see where my down jacket went?"

"You're such a big man, so just get in the car for a while. What down jacket do you use?" Jing Yuan held the teacup, double-marked, "It's healthier to be frozen."

Jing Xuan was speechless for a while, and he quickly reacted, "You are really a real brother!"

Then I went to work.

Jing Yuan was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, um, really comfortable.

On the other side, Jiang Shining arrived at the company. She went straight up from the underground parking lot, which was equivalent to going in at the back door. She was standing in front of the elevator door waiting for the elevator, when she heard hurried footsteps, it was the lady at the front desk trotting over.

"Boss, you are finally here!" The young lady at the front desk looked a little anxious.

"What's wrong?"

"Since last night, one person has been standing in front of our company, and was driven away by the security guard. But just now I saw him as if he is coming again...Will we be targeted by someone?"

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