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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 47:

Although it seemed that Chu Jingyuan and Chen Tanliang always had friction, Jiang Shining was relieved.

Boys, it's good to be able to fight, but the most feared thing is to feel bored and uncomfortable. Fighting and fighting will become familiar, and become accustomed to each other.

Only then can she go to the company with confidence.

The MV for the 4T group's new album has been filmed, and the samples were delivered to her office first.

The four little cubs stood nervously in front of her. Zou Yu was also there, but he was more calm and looked at them with a smile.

Jiang Shining watched the new MV again, this time the main style is youth, simplicity, and juvenile style. Four teenagers wearing white costumes with different tailoring styles sang in the dark, emitting light, and another scene was using silky white gauze to interact with the teenagers, and under the stars...

Because there is a "she" in this song, it is a pure and beautiful imagination in the heart of a teenager. Zou Yu's first love face is very integrated in the MV of four people, but the director understands that the audience is girls and fans, so Zou Yu's role is not Having a particularly intimate action with the four teenagers, she is like a misty smoke. A solo dance in the interlude will bring out her indifferent and beautiful feelings to the fullest. Although there is not too much interaction, everyone will understand that she is that one. A beautiful symbol in the hearts of young boys.

Jiang Shining watched the entire MV and she was very satisfied.

"Your singing skills have improved again." Lifting her head, Jiang Shining praised without hesitation, "Moreover, her breath has stabilized a lot. Very good, I am very happy to see your progress."

Many artists, especially young artists, become impetuous after they become popular. They are too chasing for fame and fortune, and put down their basic skills and professionalism. Unless there is a gold broker package, otherwise such a red law still does more harm than good.

It now appears that the performance of the four children is really steady.

All four of them smiled shyly.

"I don't look at who trained the artist." The young man in charge of dance said happily.

"With the supervision of you and the agent, we will get better and better." The captain is still more stable.

Jiang Shining nodded, "Thanks, I'll take you two days off and go home to have a look. You won't be able to relax this Monday until the New Year."

This is really beyond their expectations. The fact that they can go home to meet their parents makes them happier than any reward. No way, the artist is too busy, even if Jiang Shining is not that kind of squeezing boss, but the four children don't have time to go home, they usually live together.

The end of the year is also when the stars are busiest, and there are many activities.

The four little cubs left happily, leaving Zou Yu by the side. Jiang Shining looked at her with a softer expression.

"Are you still used to this world?"

Zou Yu smiled and nodded, "This world is very similar to the real world, and I don't feel homesick anymore. I feel that everything is fine, I just want to start the mission soon."

Jiang Shining smiled.

"I know you are in a hurry, but the variety show will not start filming until after a few years, but you are starting from the MV broadcast. You have to be prepared and think about what kind of personality you should show."

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