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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 103:

Wang Shi was originally watching TV half-heartedly, and entered the commercial after the entertainment news was broadcast.

Suddenly, he felt Warren stand up in a daze, and walked outside the house.

"Qiqin, what's the matter?"

Wang Shi and Father Zhao found an excuse in embarrassment, and chased them out.

He saw Warren standing by the side of the road, standing in a daze. Those eyes that were usually cold or gloomy were also full of colors that he couldn't understand.

In Wang Shi's opinion, Waren seemed stunned.

"Qi Qin...?" Wang Shi called his name tentatively.

Warren's lips moved, but Wang Shi didn't hear it.


"I... seem to have found my mother." Warren said softly.

"What?!" Wang Shi's second what became more surprised, he was more anxious than Warren, "How did you find it, you should contact her soon!"

Warren couldn't believe it, he had to confirm it.

The two came to the tattered little net on the side of the street, and picked a place where there was no one in the corner, Warren started the computer and opened the browser. Wang Shi watched him type the word "Ninglu" on the browser, and the first one in the box below was Ninglu Entertainment Media Company.

Warren pursed his lips and clicked on the name. After refreshing, the first one is the company profile. Below is the marketing account and entertainment account with news and trends about Ninglu Media.

He clicked into the company profile, and the most noticeable place was the photo of the president. Originally, this kind of introduction to the company should use more formal pictures, but I don’t know whether the staff is their own people or netizens. The president’s photo is not an ordinary suit or a screenshot of a discussion event, but Jiang Shining is attending the party. A profile face.

Her hair was lightly twined behind her head, a few strands of hair hanging around her ears, and the lights on the stage gave her a natural and beautiful light to her profile.

This photo was also a classic photo of Jiang Shining when netizens started paying attention to Jiang Shining.

Valen stared at the picture for a long time.

Wang Shi didn't seem to know what he was doing, and said anxiously, "Aren't you looking for mom? What are you doing now?"

Warren said, "She is."

Even if her looks and hair color are different from those of the woman named Eve, in his heart, she has always been like this, with black hair and black eyes.

Warren held the mouse blankly, his brain was dull and stiff for a while, but Wang Shi was shocked.

"Did you make a mistake or the age? She looks too young." He said, "And, how can you know such a rich business owner?"

"I'm not my own." Varen said.

He can only explain this one doubt, as for the others... he can't tell the past and present? No one will believe it.

"That..." Wang Shi didn't look like he was lying, and that the appearance and temperament of this man were different from the other people Wang Shi knew, so he faintly believed it, "Then how did you separate, she lost it. Got you off?"

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