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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 141:

Thunder and lightning rolled in the dark clouds, pouring heavy rain.

In the alley under the rain curtain, the two men were vying with each other, but Xiu Lingfei still couldn't beat Mu Chi and was pressed tightly against the wall again. His expensive clothes have been stained with dust and mud, and his neatly combed hair is scattered on his forehead.

"You are crazy!" Xiu Lingfei said embarrassedly, "What good will this do to you?"

"I just ask you, do you call the police or kneel down?" Mu Chi said one sentence at a time.

Xiu Lingfei's chest was ups and downs in the rain and fog, and his cold eyes stared at Mu Chi. Mu Chi believed that if Xiu Lingfei were still in ancient times, he would definitely be killed by him at this moment.


The world has changed.

"Why are you insulting me like this?" Xiu Lingfei stared at Mu Chi, as if to remember his appearance, he whispered, "Is it to revenge for the past life?"

"I'll give you ten seconds to think about it." Mu Chi said lightly, as if he hadn't heard him.

Numerous anger and killing intent flashed in Xiu Lingfei's eyes, his chest was up and down, as if he wanted to smash Mu Chi's body into pieces. But he knew he had no choice now. He no longer has a unique high position, he can't even beat this man.

For some time in the future, he will be in trouble because of the **** equal order and laws in this world, and the possession of guns/arms will make everything worse.


The noble and elegant tailored trousers were stained with mud and rain, and Xiu Lingfei still stared at Mu Chi fiercely. Kneeling to a man who used to be like an ant made him feel extremely shameful.

"Tell me why you are doing this." Xiu Lingfei's voice squeezed out of his teeth.

Mu Chi squatted down in front of him, and the man's stern face looked even colder in the rain. He stretched out his hand and patted Xiu Lingfei's cheek lightly.

"You can insult anyone, why can't you let others treat you like this?"

"Have I treated you like this?" Although Xiu Lingfei knelt down, his brows and eyes were still arrogant and disdainful, "Oh, I guess I have never treated you like this. I never put things like shadow guards in my eyes. . For a person like you, it is impossible for me to be punished."

Muchi was unmoved by Xiu Lingfei's humiliation.

"Runhe thirty-nine years, Runhe forty-five years." He lightly opened his lips, "Do you remember these two years?"

Xiu Lingfei frowned slowly. He thought about it carefully, but these two years are like every ordinary year. What is there to remember?

Mu Chi sneered. He saw that Xiu Lingfei couldn't remember at all, he said coldly, "Do you remember who you punished in the rain?"

Who has been punished? Xiu Lingfei's eyebrows became tighter. He punishes people regardless of whether it rains or not, but just catches up. Who will remember this kind of thing?

But... thirty-nine years and forty-five years...punished in the rain...the memory of Xiu Lingfei suddenly came up with someone.

He has punished many people, but the only one who can remember deeply, and was in the rain twice, only...

He raised his head in disbelief, looked at Mu Chi, and raised his voice.

"Are you related to Jiang Shining?"

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