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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 106:

Chen Tanliang drove the car, Jing Yuan sat in the co-pilot, and Wang Shi, who gave them directions, sat in the back row.

From the moment he got on the bus, Wang Shi worked hard to narrow his sense of existence. For some reason, he was subconsciously afraid of the two men in front of him.

Both of them are very dangerous people. The danger of Chen Tanliang was that Wang Shi couldn't help but feel that he was a policeman and the instinct of being a gangster was to be afraid. And this Chu Jingyuan, he gave him the kind of danger that was completely different from Chen Tanliang--Wang Shi couldn't say that, in short, Jingyuan felt like Li Ge's horror.

Along the way, Wang Shi heard them chatting seldomly.

"Be careful when you do things later, don't mess with your previous practice." Chen Tanliang said.

"Which one used to be?" Jing Yuan asked back.

"It's the kind you have in a foreign country. Habit." Chen Tanliang said after a pause, "You are more merciful."

When they met in Country M in the past, the place where Jingyuan was located was originally chaotic, and rushing was commonplace, but Country C was different. Even if it was a gang fight, serious injury or death, it would be very troublesome.

"Okay." Jing Yuan agreed without any sincerity, and then hummed a song in the co-pilot, looking very happy.

Wang Shi didn't know what he was happy about, so he was happy when he found his younger brother? But they are not biological.


When Wang Shi was in a daze, Jing Yuan suddenly turned his head to look at him, shocking Wang Shi.

"You, you said." Wang Shi was trembling.

"Your dad, living an extra day is a scourge." Jing Yuan said, "I think you are very pitiful, do you need me to help you deal with it thoroughly?"

"Ah...?" Wang Shi was a little puzzled, he didn't understand. He felt that Jiang Shining and Jing Yuan both liked to say the words'thoroughly'.

"I have some power in country M." Jing Yuan said lightly, "If you want, I can give him a one-way ferry ticket to ensure that you will never see him again."

Before Wang Shi could react, Chen Tanliang had already frowned, "Don't always try to solve things with violence in everything you do. This is a modern society, and the law should be used."

"Yes, you are right." Jing Yuan said impatiently, "Drive your car well."

Jing Yuan turned back again without mentioning this matter.

Under Wang Shi's guidance, Chen Tanliang parked the car opposite Wang Shi's house. His house is on the second floor of an old building, and only this bare house is left.

When they walked up the stairs, they saw the door closed tightly. Jing Yuan Guan Wang Shi asked for the key and opened the door. The moment the door was opened, a painful grunt came out, Wang Shi's face turned pale.


As soon as he wanted to charge inside, Chen Tanliang grabbed him and brought him back behind him.

Jing Yuan kicked the door directly and walked into the room, and a man came out from the back room, fierce and vicious, Wang Shi knew him.

"He is Li Ge's subordinate, called Wang Er." Wang Shi whispered behind them.

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