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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 97:

Taking advantage of the traffic lights, Jing Yuan hurriedly sent the news in the group.

[Jing Yuan: My mother seems to have a posture of urging marriage. Have you all been married in your previous life? 】

[Jing Xuan: I am your brother, you know how I am. 】

[Qiao Huaize: I cultivated immortals in my previous life, what kind of marriage. 】

[Jing Yuan: Where is Chen Tanliang? 】

[Chen Tanliang: Nothing. 】

【Jing Yuan: ...】

[Jing Yuan: As a marshal, how can you not get married? Regardless of your Chen family? 】

[Chen Tanliang: As a soldier, I'm going to fight. I'm afraid that if I can't come back and delay the woman, it won't be settled. 】

Yes, anyway, none of them are married.

Needless to say, Guoguo still wanted to ask Chen Ruozhi, but she had a bad time and might be busy, so she didn't see the group. At this time, Chen Tanliang sent him a private message.

Chen Tanliang: Ruozhi is not married either.

Jing Yuan returned to him: Then your Chen family...?

Chen Tanliang: I have a half-brother who is married. Giving all the belongings to his children can be regarded as making up for the excessive resources that I have taken up over the years.

Jing Yuan turned off his phone and sighed sadly.

"I just asked them, none of them are married." Jing Yuan said depressed.

"Oh, then forget it." Jiang Shining said.

Feelings can't be forced, and... it's a good thing.

This bureau is not reliable, whoever is reborn and who is not reborn, there is no accurate number at all. If any of them had a true love in the last life, but he didn't show up in this life, it would still be a sad thing. There is no trouble in this regard, and there is nothing wrong with looking for true love in the future, which is very good.

"Mom, I want to make a gentleman agreement with you." Jing Yuan said.

"What are you agreeing to?" Jiang Shining asked with interest.

"I don't urge you to find someone, and you don't urge me either." Jing Yuan said seriously, "In this era, it is not too late for men and women to find someone in their 30s and 40s."

Jiang Shining was happy, "You are urging me, if I really get married, would you be happy?"

That must certainly not be happy. Parents are happy to see their children getting married, but it is a blow for children to see their parents remarrying. These poor cubs, everyone was upset once because of the inexplicable extra brothers. If Jiang Shining really got married and they didn't like that person, then the feeling of uncomfortableness would definitely increase by multiples.

Jiang Shining also thought about it in the same way. The requirements in her heart were originally extremely demanding. This person had to get all the children to agree. It was basically impossible to achieve, so she didn't have any desire to find a man. There was no need.

When Jing Yuan heard Jiang Shining say this, he suddenly said in horror, "Then you still urge me. Be cautious about getting married!"

"I'm teasing you." Jiang Shining said.

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