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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain's Mother
Chapter 2: Life Five

On the first day ascended to the throne, there are too many things to do. Jing Yuan did it numbly, but Jiang was in his mind.

He remembered her smile, her warmth, her hug. She is the mother and the light of Jing Yuan's dark childhood. She was the only one who gave him hope of survival when everyone was shunned.

However, Jiang Shining didn't enjoy it even a day. She had put on the queen dowager's costume, but she died on this day after all. When he thought of this, Jing Yuan was bitter with hatred. He hated his father, Huang Hao, and hated himself even more. Knowing that his mother would take his life, he should have chosen to rebel directly instead of obeying her and choosing to obey and stand still.

No, this person is not worthy to be called his father. This man didn't treat Jiang Shining well during his lifetime, but he wanted to die and drag her to bury her. Haoli really hated her.

Outsiders know that Jiang Shining's beauty and her vague, noble and arrogant temperament made the first emperor love it, exclusive grace for several years, until she insisted on getting involved with the emperor's least favorite young son. , All the honors came to an abrupt end.

They all knew that she was beautiful, kind, far away from harem disputes, and never harmed. She would rather break with the emperor for an unrelated prince. Everyone in the huge palace seemed to like to talk about her, but in fact, only Jing Yuan knew her.

Jiang Shining would rather the emperor neglect her because she wants to raise Jing Yuan, she couldn't ask for it. She only really loved her two sons. Everything after that was just to keep them alive.

Jing Yuan understood that Jiang Shining had never liked being dominated by others. She was so smart that she even taught Jing Yuan Wen Tao and martial arts, but all this seemed to be contrary to her concubine's identity. Even though she is talented and intelligent, as a concubine, being too clever and lofty is a sin.

As a result, she hid all this under her calm and indifferent character, unobtrusive and unobtrusive, just quietly being her concubine. She never harms people, but if someone asks for something to come to the door, Jiang Shining will be bold and simple, and Jing Yuan has learned a lot from her in the means of solving the problem.

Jing Yuan knew that the concubine Xiao's vagueness towards the emperor was not a high personality, but avoidance, or even aversion. She had never loved this man who had trapped her for her life. She was different from other women. She dismissed the emperor's charity. But the emperor is such a cheap bone, the less he can get, the more he has to worry about it.

Emperor Xian saw through Jiang Shining only when she was seriously ill, and realized that she never took him to heart. He hated Jiang Shining because of his love, even if he didn't get her heart when he was alive, he would have to hold her firmly when he died before he could figure out his ill feeling.

She and Jing Yuan are equally arrogant people, but as a woman in this dynasty, she has no choice. Jing Yuan knew that she had a high personality, and he did not bother to fight with other concubines to be obedient pets under the imperial power, and did not want to bite each other for a bone in a man's hand.

So Jing Yuan worked hard all the way. He wanted the throne and the world, but he even wanted to dedicate her position above ten thousand people, even above the emperor, so that she really didn't have to bow to others.

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