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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 66:

Although Wanding went home for the New Year, he called Qiao Huaize every morning, noon, and evening, for fear that he would die at home by himself.

In the third year of junior high, Qiao Huaize was already much better. Although he has no internal power luck, he has practiced martial arts for so many years, and his physique far exceeds that of ordinary people. Although the fever came on fiercely this time, it was better than ordinary people.

Wanding just didn't believe that Qiao Huaize was getting better, he felt that this person Qiao Huaize was too careless about him, and had developed a self-abuse tendency.

Qiao Huaize didn't let him come, he could only keep asking like a chattering old woman.

"Did you take your medicine on time?"

Qiao Huaize looked at the medicine box that hadn't moved since Wanding left, and responded calmly, "Yeah."

"It's cold these two days, so you just stay at home. There are vegetables in the refrigerator. I think you can just get a microwave and heat things up by yourself. It's better than..." Wanding was talking, and he heard the opposite The heavy breathing became heavier.

This is beginning to feel that he is annoying.

Wanding was helpless. I can only talk less gossip, "Promise me, lie down at home and do nothing."

"Yeah." Qiao Huaize said, "Goodbye."

Then hung up.

Wan Dingshou scratched his head straight. Generally this kind of martial artist is very individual. Qiao Huaize has such a cold personality, which is too difficult to get along with.

But he has a strange sense of responsibility towards Qiao Huaize. Without him, Qiao Huaize's swordsmanship is very good, and he knows a lot. After so many years, Wanding hasn't figured out all about him.

In the mind of Wanding, a martial idiot, Qiao Huaize should be protected as a precious national treasure. He even felt that Qiao Huaize might be the best swordsman in this era.

However, this national treasure-level artwork doesn't take himself seriously. He doesn't drink and eat on time every day, and thinks that he is annoying. Wan Ding is really worried.

Wan's family is packing things up here, and the young and old are going to the temple to worship, begging the Bodhisattva to bless this year's things to go smoothly.

As soon as Wan Ding put down the phone, his new wife looked over and said bitterly, "I don't know that you are raising Xiaomi outside. You have never told me like this."

"Why don't I be with you every day to take care of you? I don't need to ask anything, I just do it." Wanding coaxed his wife, and he sighed again, "If you see him, you won't be angry. "

As far as Qiao Huaize looks, it is estimated that no woman dislikes it.

The young couple were talking, and the old man over there came over.

"Wangding, how is that Mr. Joe, is he better?"

"It's much better." Wan Ding greeted him with a smile. "The body of martial arts training is better than ordinary people. He just said that he is getting better soon."

"Yeah." Old Man Wan nodded, "You will see him tomorrow and take the wine made in our home and give it to him."

"Grandpa, he can't drink anymore, he can't drink more body." Wanding smiled bitterly.

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