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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 29:

a year ago.

Chen Tanliang walked into the base unit of the M Army. As soon as he entered the hall, a soldier with brown hair and blue eyes greeted him.

"Mr. Kelly, the colonel is looking for you."

Chen Tanliang nodded, and walked toward the chief's office. At the end of the second floor, the door of the office was open, and McFee turned his back to the door to sort out the documents on the desk.


McFee turned his head, he looked at Chen Tanliang and smiled.

"Kelly." He said, "I saw your application. Do you want to leave the army and move to the rear?"

Chen Tanliang walked in, he nodded silently.

"If I don't continue to be promoted, I can retire in three years."

"You are a particularly good officer." Colonel McFee said regretfully, "Don't you think about it anymore? If you have made military merits, plus my support, you will definitely climb higher."

Chen Tanliang's mouth hooked slightly.

"Thank you for the era of peace for making me unable to make military merits." He said, "I am enlisted because I can't do other things. This doesn't mean I like war. I think you don't need a war-weary officer like me, do you? "

McFee sighed, and he reached out and handed a document to Chen Tanliang.

"I helped you win an opportunity. Originally, an officer of your rank could not be discharged so easily, but..." McFee lifted his chin and pointed to the document. "A covert operations department needs a leader. If You are willing to transfer to this department to perform tasks for a full year, and next year, you will be able to retire as you wish."

Chen Tanliang looked at the document and frowned.

"I thought it was the responsibility of the Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Intelligence."

"Indeed, they have already sent people over. You go directly to be the boss of those people." McFee said, "This department involves multiple interests. You will represent the military and cooperate with the other two departments. How about, are you willing? NS?"

"I don't want to do unclean things." Chen Tanliang said.

McFee smiled helplessly, he did admire people like Chen Tanliang.

"I assure you that all mission objectives are bad guys who deserve their sins."


Chen Tanliang left the M Army and went to this secret department jointly organized by the three parties.

In the beginning, the people in the group were very unconvinced. In their hearts, the military members were old stubborn and annoying guys. Why would they be their bosses directly by airborne?

After the first mission, they were convinced.

Chen Tanliang is a man with a good personality, good skills, good Mucang skills, and whether he is on a mission or arranging troops, he is very clever and admirable.

As McFee promised, the role of this secret group is to track down bad guys, but because the opponent is powerful, it always requires the cooperation, lurking, and disguise of the entire group to achieve its goals.

Chen Tanliang actually doesn't have a sense of belonging to this country or even the whole world, so the reason why he took over this task is very simple. In order to have the option of self-determination after one year, it can be regarded as doing something good for ordinary people by the way.

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