142 (2)

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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 142: (2)

Looking at Qiuyue, "What do you want to do."

"I want to ask you, what are you doing in the Shadow Guard Pavilion?" Qiyue said, "Ciyin Shadow Guard can't leave the palace at will. Do you violate the regulations?"

Muchi frowned impatiently. Seeing her appearance, Qiuyue suddenly thought of something, she couldn't believe it.

"You haven't been given the seal yet, are you?" Qiuyue murmured, "It's been six months..."

"What do you want to say?" Mu Chi frowned.

Qiuyue sneered coldly, "It's just that I didn't give the seal. Our mother wants to talk to you."

Mu Chi turned around and left. Qiuyue didn't stop him, and ran directly to the Shadow Guard Pavilion, saying that Mu Chi had committed the crime, and let the Shadow Guard Pavilion take control quickly.

"This..." the deputy director frowned, "but he is the concubine Xiao's person, and we have no right to detain him."

"He was not given the seal by Xiao Fei, so what kind of person is she?" Qiuyue disdainfully said, "Our mother said we wanted him before, and now he Wuyin represents Wuzhu, what are you going to do with Empress Gu?"

The people in the Shadow Guard Pavilion looked at each other.

There was a quarrel here, and someone over there had already informed Gu Bi. Gu Bi was overjoyed and came over with someone.

She was so angry that she still touched a hard nail on the most obedient shadow guard, which was not pleasing to the eyes of Muchi a long time ago. Now when I saw that Jiang Shining rescued him just to **** off her, even the seal was not given, indicating that he did not trust Mu Chi at all.

Even if he is already an abandoned son, don't blame her for being ruthless.

Muchi was taken to kneel in the courtyard of the Shadow Guard Pavilion, and the flamboyant Gu Bi was carried by the soft sedan chair, supported by someone to stand up, and came to Mu Chi.

"Have you seen it?" Gu Bin shook the fan and said coldly.

The **** under her immediately bowed and nodded.

"I've seen it, Mother, there is no mark on him."

Gu Bi sneered, "If you don't have a seal, you have no master."

At this moment, Yingyi rushed over, and when he saw this scene, his temples suddenly jumped. He said before that he would return to Concubine Shun Xiao, but now Gu Bi is eyeing Mu Chi again, he is really hard to explain to both sides.

Yingyi sent someone to inform Concubine Xiao, and he came out again to make a round.

Gu Bi didn't like to listen, and said coldly, "You are wrong. He doesn't have a mark on his body, so what if he came from Xiaofei? If that's the case, he still came out of my palace first. It's my own business to kill him. Have you given him to anyone and asked me my opinion?"

Yingyi can only laugh. Gu Bian glanced at the shadow guard who was kneeling down.

"look up."

Muchi didn't move.

The **** next to him immediately rushed over and forcibly raised Mu Chi's head. Mu Chi was cold and frosty, and refused to look at her directly. Gu Bin took a closer look. Before, he was flustered and didn't take a closer look. Now, with such a glance, this shadow guard looks pretty good. It made Gu Bin's mood a little better.

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