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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 67:

In the fourth year of the junior high school, Ninglu Media’s self-made variety show officially started shooting.

Although it is still a holiday during the Chinese New Year, the timetable of the star actors cannot follow the statutory holidays. This variety show is expected to be filmed for two weeks, and the program planning and process have been arranged. Jiang Shining can stay at home and rest here, and Feng Fuman and other related staff over there have started formal work.

Zou Yu will also start contact with her target mission actor, Jiang Shining is very curious what she will do.

Variety shows have a shorter production time than movies, and they can be made one episode, so if it is fast, it will be online in early February.

Jiang Shining can completely leave the variety show work to the director and program team to do, but various manufacturers have always called her, hoping to talk about naming investment.

Chen Sheng contacted her again and asked her if she needed to invest in naming or implant and sponsor cooperation.

Jiang Shining was actually very hesitant. She had checked Chen Sheng's details after that day. Chen Sheng had cooperated and contacted with Xiu Lingfei's enterprises before. His company Shengge Group and Tianxia Longteng have crossed many industries. Large groups, two companies often compete for number one and number two in different industries, and of course they will join forces for profit.

If Chen Sheng's company can invest, it is a very good thing for Ninglu Media, because the other party's price is also very good. But Jiang Shining was very hesitant-she and Chen Sheng didn't have that much hatred, but she didn't want to cooperate with him, and cooperated in Chen Sheng's obvious unilateral relief.

"Ning Ning. No, President Jiang." Chen Sheng said on the phone, "Now that the competition between Shengge Group and Tianxia Longteng is becoming more and more fierce, and his company's stock is falling again, this is a very good opportunity. I hope we The two can join hands to get Xiu Lingfei down."

"I'll go home to discuss this matter first." Jiang Shining can only say, "You know, my sons control me more."

After returning home, she told everyone about the incident, and everyone looked different.

"I think he just wants to soak you." Jing Yuan said very bluntly.

"Actually it sounds like a good opportunity, but..." Chen Tanliang hesitated, "I don't want you to get involved again because of this."

After everyone was silent for a while, Jing Xuan suddenly said, "Otherwise we can take a step back."

"What's the meaning?"

"I don't support him cooperating with his mother either." Jing Xuan smiled lightly, "but he can work with me. We can give each other what each other needs."

This is a method that can be considered. After all, Chen Sheng and Jiang Shining didn't have any hatred, and Jiang Shining couldn't offend several big groups. Multiple friends are always good.

Turning his head, Jiang Shining told Chen Sheng about the incident, and Chen Sheng was silent for a while.

"He is Xiu Lingfei's child?"

"It used to be." Jiang Shining said.

Now they are just her own cubs! They are also willing! Therefore, Jiang Shining didn't want to associate these cubs with those men at all.

Chen Sheng chuckled lightly.

"Interesting." He said, "If Xiu Ling knew that we were cooperating, he would be furious."

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