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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 19:

On the other side, Jiang Shining gathered the four young people who won today and the trainees who did not make a debut in his company. After thinking about it, he simply put the work of the network marketing team working overtime for this awards party. The staff also called for a part and packed a large box to treat guests to dinner.

The staff sat at a table for the time being. After all the dishes were served, Jiang Shining found that the boys didn't move the rice, and basically just ate some vegetables without oil and water.


Hearing Jiang Shining's question, the young people looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

"No, President Jiang. We are just afraid...that eating too much will affect your body shape."

Jiang Shining realized that she had neglected this aspect, and she lifted her chin.

"Eat, eat whatever you like tonight. Tomorrow I will ask nutritionists and coaches to make recipes for you to exercise. It’s not okay to stay hungry to stay in shape."

With the permission of the boss, the trainees were finally relieved to boldly chopsticks. Within a few mouthfuls, the appetites of the young and old in adolescence were revealed, and the meals quickly bottomed out.

Jiang Shining smiled, seeing them eating so happily, he can think of his sons. Now that I was idle, Jing Xuan suddenly thought of him, and he didn't know how he stayed alone. After eating the celebration banquet, and encouraging the children, Jiang Shining left the hotel under the moved and tearful gaze of the trainees.

She and Jing Xuan were not far away, but now thinking of him, Jiang Shining drove directly to Chu Jing Xuan's villa.

As soon as I walked in, I didn't see my son, but saw a strange young man playing with Guoguo in the living room. Guoguo saw her, shouted her mother and rushed over. Jiang Shining bent down and hugged the little girl, she raised her head and looked at this person.

The young man walked over on his own initiative. Jiang Shining thought he was going to shake hands, but he did not expect that he bowed slightly.

"Hello, President Jiang. My name is Qin Qian. I used to be the prince's personal guard." He was polite and respectful, neither humble nor overbearing. "I followed him after he was made a prince, so you haven't seen me."

This Qin Qian must be Jing Xuan's confidant. Jing Xuan left him at home to look after Guoguo, and he can also tell that Jing Xuan attaches great importance to Guoguo.

Jiang Shining stretched out his hand, Qin Qian hesitated, then shook it.

"He must trust you very much." Jiang Shining is still a little curious, "but you have reincarnation, you are also free, why choose to follow Jing Xuan?"

The cold-looking man finally hooked his mouth, showing a soft smile.

"The prince treated his subordinates kindly in his previous life, and I have never paid off the great kindness he gave me. Besides, he still takes care of me in this life. Such a good boss, why should I find another way out?"

Jiang Shining was in a trance. Her memories of Jing Xuan's past remained in the year when he was seventeen. At that time he was still a teenager, although he was gentle, but still a child. Having met in this life, he has grown up, but when he was in front of her, Jing Xuan was still like a big boy.

She couldn't imagine what the young man in her memory looked like when she became a prince. It seemed that only the words of other people could vaguely outline his appearance in the past years.

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