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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 20:

Now that it was determined that Zhang Sujin would play the male number one, Jiang Shining sent him the electronic version of the script early the next morning.

This ancient fantasy drama is very important for both Jiang Shining and the company. As long as the high quality of the first film hits the market, the next few major dramas of Ninglu Media will be introduced to the film market at a rate of two films a year.

After having breakfast with Guoguo, Qin Qian came over to pick Guoguo and go to class. Because Guoguo's last life was born in the apocalyptic era, and she has experienced human feelings at a young age, so although she is small in this life, she is very uncomfortable. With this in mind, Jiang Shining and Jing Xuan found a teacher for her to teach one-on-one, and after two years, Guoguo slowly integrated, and then let her go to school.

After Guoguo left, Jiang Shining also finished breakfast and boarded V Bo in his spare time. The current scene is similar to what she thought. Sure enough, in the hot search entries of many movie stars, the names of Jiang Shining and Xiu Lingfei pressed the stars on top. The company names of Ninglu Media and World Dragon are also interspersed in hot searches.

Click in and have a look, and the hotly discussed netizens are divided into several major factions. Some are trying hard to peel the relationship between two people, some are eating melon, and some-there is even cp powder? !

Overnight, the same humanities and banner cartoons of the two presidents came out, and several of them were still very popular.

Jiang Shining's temple jumped straight. Some people with big brains have already thought that Xiu Lingfei is an overbearing president and grabbing artists to win Jiang Shining's attention. Even though Jiang Shining's expression management was very indifferent last night, netizens still made up for the grievances between the two people. This is the two presidents who are in love and killing each other!

…Although netizens have learned the truth about Xiu Lingfei's behavior on a certain level, but love, sorry, not at all.

In any case, it seems that the cp in the entertainment circle is a sweet pet style of loving each other, but I have never seen such a love and killing, so netizens who are tired of eating are very enthusiastic about them.

Great, Xiu Lingfei really made a good calculation, and Jiang Shining's most annoying scene appeared. In the next few years, even if the two have no other entanglements, their names will appear together.

It is said that fair competition is good, but this kind of bad tactics are used. Men are all big pig's hoofs, Xiu Ling is not so good!

Jiang Shining's air pressure was low. When going to the company for a meeting, other people seemed to feel that she was in a bad mood, and even the report became cautious.

"Then... that, boss, since you hate it so much, do we want to clarify?" the person from the network operations department asked tremblingly.

There is no need to clarify this matter. Originally, the two of them had no intersection in this world. If a notice were issued, it would be called three hundred taels without silver in the eyes of others.

But the grandson Xiu Lingfei must not be let go. Jiang Shi grinds his teeth secretly. Isn't he a dragon, is he going to soar between the world? Cut off his dragon's claws this time!

After the meeting, Jiang Shining left the manager of the network operation department.

"Our company's official blog is silent on this matter." Jiang Shining said coldly, "After this matter has passed its peak and begins to decline, buy those marketing accounts and let them give the boss a new level of enthusiasm. ."

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