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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 46:

At 5:30 in the morning, Chen Tanliang opened his eyes on time.

He turned on the lamp, took a look at his watch, then sat up straight, and lifted the bed.

There is a saying that people who can get up early on time and don't sleep in bed are particularly scary. Chen Tanliang is this kind of person, not only that, in winter, he has no nostalgia for the bed.

Because of the late arrival, Jiang Shining's villa happened to have the last two rooms left. Chen Tanliang let his younger sister live in the larger one, while he lived in the smaller room.

He got up and changed his clothes. The clothes on his body were made by Jiang Shining from the hands of the Jingyuan brothers who forcibly squeezed the wool from the hands of the Jingyuan brothers yesterday. He changed into a black sports suit, washed his face and brushed his teeth, before he walked out of the room.

The villa is quiet, everyone is sleeping.

Chen Tanliang went down to the first floor, and quietly opened the door of a bedroom. It was pitch black inside, and only shallow breathing could be heard.

Chen Tanliang walked slowly in. He saw Chu Jingyuan sleeping on his stomach, with only half of his delicate profile exposed from the quilt. When he reached the third step, Chu Jingyuan suddenly opened his eyes. Before he opened his eyes, his body movements were faster, and Chen Tanliang felt something flying toward him sharply.

He ducked to the side, brushed a knife, buzzed through the wooden wardrobe door, and settled on it.

All this is a subconscious warning. Just as Chen Tanliang hid, Chu Jingyuan had already stepped forward like a ghost, and Chen Tanliang took the move abruptly.

These were all things that happened within a few seconds. Chu Jingyuan saw Chen Tanliang's face clearly, frowned immediately, let go of the offensive, and took a step back.

"Chen Tanliang, are you sick? Who let you go into my bedroom?"

The corners of Chen Tanliang's mouth were drawn into a line, and there were no fluctuations in his eyes. He turned his head and drew the dagger from the cabinet door.

"Do you still hide weapons at home?"

"Just to guard against someone like you who doesn't have eyesight." Jing Yuan said coldly.

Except for Jiang Shining and Jing Xuan's approach, which can make him wake up naturally, he is subconsciously attacking other unfamiliar auras.

Chu Jingyuan snatched his dagger from Chen Tanliang's hand. He sat back on the side of the bed and turned on the phone. The screen of the phone illuminated the young man's irritable face.

"...It's only 5:40, Chen Tanliang, are you crazy?" Chu Jingyuan cursed, "I will have to go to work soon, are you trying to fix me on purpose?"

"Didn't you say you want to get up in the morning for a run?" Chen Tanliang asked strangely.

Chu Jingyuan:...

He really didn't expect that Chen Tanliang's rigid character was beyond his imagination.

"We won't be okay if we don't run," Chu Jingyuan said impatiently. "She was so angry yesterday that she couldn't bear to let us go out on such a cold day."

Based on his understanding of Jiang Shining, the matter of sleeping is over, and if you behave better today, it will be another happy day.

However, Chen Tanliang said seriously, "We have promised our mother, we must do it."

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