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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 26:

Jing Xuan put his hands around his chest and held his head high.

But when he saw that Jing Yuan didn't obey him to give him a guide, but walked towards him step by step, Jing Xuan froze.

He cleared his throat, "Why aren't you going?"

In fact, there is still some tension inside. The term eldest brother like father is not fake, and if Jingyuan doesn't listen to him, he really has nothing to do.

Jing Yuan squinted his eyes and slowly approached him, like a dangerous cheetah. Then he leaped forward, grabbed Jing Xuan and scratched the itchy flesh on his waist.

"—I was wrong, I was wrong, brother, emperor brother, I was wrong—"

Jing Xuan had no choice but to admit defeat again and again, only then did Jing Yuan let him go.

"Why do you think I'm not pleasing to your eyes?" Jing Yuan stretched out his hand and purred Jingxuan's hair.

"Don't mess with me like this, I'm a man anymore, don't mess with me like I was a kid..."

If any of Jing Xuan's subordinates saw this scene, they would never believe that the person in front of him who complained to his brother was his handsome President Wang.

Seeing Jing Xuan a little bit annoyed, Jing Yuan withdrew his hand, he smiled.

"Are you really hungry? Still upset?"

Chu Jingyuan knew him too well, Jing Xuan kept his head down and fiddled with his hair in silence. Looks like a boy out of breath.

When the younger brother didn't speak, Chu Jingyuan leaned on the sofa and sighed long.

"Don't tell? Then I'll guess." He said, "I haven't stayed with my mother enough, so I have a temper?"

Upon hearing this, Jing Xuan put down his hands, he felt a little helpless. After so many years, Jing Yuan's tone of speech still regarded him as the child he was at the beginning.

"I've been running for three, how could it be so naive?" Jing Xuan said helplessly, "Just... there is one thing my mother wants to tell you, but I am afraid that you are unwilling to accept it, so let me comfort you."

"What's the matter?" Jing Yuan frowned, "She has a man?"

"It's more terrifying than that." Jing Xuan said.

Next, he explained the situation carefully to Jing Yuan. For example, their world was originally a book, such as Jiang Shining's previous occupation, and she also traveled through other worlds, so—she will have other children.

After speaking, he raised his head again, and sure enough, Jing Yuan's face turned black.

"If you don't accept it, there is no way." Jing Xuan sighed, "Just treat us as reorganizing the family."

"...It's ridiculous!" Jing Yuan frowned. "She has so many children, wouldn't it take away a lot of her attention?"

Jing Xuan did not speak. He even felt very comfortable—Jiang Shining always focused on Jingyuan in the past, but now he also feels how he feels.

Jing Yuan glanced at Jing Xuan, and said, "Just so comfort me?"

"Otherwise? Oh, yes, there is good news." Jing Xuan smiled, "There is a very cute little sister, her name is Jiang Guoguo."

Jing Yuan was taken aback, "Why does she follow her mother's surname?"

"She was found by her mother from the orphanage." Jing Xuan said, "It is normal to have her mother's surname."

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