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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 39:

As a leisurely person, Jing Yuan seems to be happy to have a leisure time.

He had just taken care of others in his previous life, and in this life he felt good at home.

In fact, Jingyuan is not without things to do. His business partners in country M have always hoped to cooperate with him. But Jing Yuan made up his mind to separate himself from the past. The business he had done before was too dangerous. Now he returns to his family and does not want them to be dragged down.

But seeing his younger brother so motivated, he actually felt a little itchy. Jing Yuan squatted on the grass and finished his last puff of cigarette.

What can I do?

At this time, Jing Yuan's younger brother in China sent him a V letter.

Brother: Boss, you pay us monthly and don't work for us. Everyone is very embarrassed. If you want to rest for a period of time, or you can leave us without pay.

Jing Yuan also has many subordinates in P City, otherwise the previous investigation and tracking of Xiu Lingfei and Longteng Group would not be so easy. He is used to controlling everything. He seemed to know everything in the small town on the edge of Country M.

The same goes for returning to P City. His little brothers are in all corners of the city, so Jing Yuan asked them to find other jobs, and he paid his salary.

Jing Yuan thought for a while.

What is it that is not dangerous, not black, and not illegal?

I didn't even think about it even if I wanted to break my head. Basically, all I could do was to sit in the office and didn't realize it. He can't do anything he wants to do.

P City is so boring.

Jing Yuan sent a message in their V letter group.

Jing Yuan: Think of something not dark and fun to do, don't sit in the office. Those who adopt the suggestion reward money.

The group was full of joy, and the boys were thinking hard.

After a while, I still didn't receive any good suggestions. Jing Yuan was boringly fiddled with his phone when he heard meowing from the other side of the grass.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw the little black cat passing through the crack in the fence, and without going forward, it yelled at him.

Jing Yuan smiled, "Come on, Ahuang, come here. Do you want to eat Jing Xuan's dinner again?"

The little black cat stretched, and then ran towards Jingyuan meowing. Jing Yuan likes cats, but he didn't even raise them when he became an emperor because he set up for his own character in the past life. Now he sees that he likes cats naturally. He put the kitten in his arms, thinking about turning back to the villa, but he didn't expect that as soon as he walked to the door, the little wild cat immediately turned over and jumped down and ran away.

This cat has a wandering free heart.

Jing Yuan didn't force it, he walked into the villa, turned on the TV on the smart control screen on the wall, and the phone rang again.

It was another younger brother who called him, "Boss, I have a good idea."

"Let's talk about it." Jing Yuan lowered his head and changed his slippers.

"You see, isn't one of our original businesses selling intelligence?" said the younger brother, "I can't sell intelligence here, but we can change our angle and be a detective. It's very safe to open a business investigation office."

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