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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 81:

Facing the angry Chen Tanliang, Chen Sheng refrained from smiling. He smiled and said, "I was wrong, I didn't consider it well, I'm sorry."

This made Chen Tanliang couldn't help but glance at Chen Sheng—the former bandit commander Chen Jiacheng, but he never apologized in front of his son.

Chen Sheng motioned for him to sit.

After the last time he and Jiang Shining met, they were almost two meters apart. This time Chen Sheng specially found a square table, probably a medium table that could hold a dozen dishes, lest the two of them were too far apart.

The two sat down facing each other. On the other side, the door was knocked gently, followed by the waiter who served the dishes. There were seven or eight dishes and a bowl of soup, all of Chen Tanliang’s favorite food and drink in the past.

When the waiters withdrew, Chen Tanliang looked at the table in silence, as if there was a tremor in his heart, and he didn't know who was awkward.

"I shouldn't have dinner at noon?" Chen Sheng said, "I don't know your taste has changed, so you can eat something."

Chen Tanliang took a bowl for dinner in silence. Sure enough, as he thought, neither he nor Chen Sheng could chat, they just ate quietly for a while. However, Chen Tanliang always felt that Chen Sheng had some plot. He was waiting for Chen Sheng to speak, but Chen Sheng just kept eating calmly.

Chen Tanliang was also really hungry. Jing Yuan was too stingy. I heard that Chen Sheng had a dinner party in the afternoon. Jing Yuan didn't let him eat lunch at noon today, as if he could make a fortune by saving a meal.

Therefore, he temporarily put other things behind his head and concentrated on eating.

When they were all done, Chen Tanliang was a little annoyed again—he was too relaxed in front of Chen Sheng, making him a little too invisible.

Chen Sheng didn't know what he was thinking. He watched Chen Tanliang finished eating, and Chen Sheng rang the bell. Several waiters came in to clean up the dishes, clean the table, and brought desserts and tea.

Chen Tanliang drank tea, then raised his eyes to look at Chen Sheng.

"What is the reason for you to come to me?"

Chen Sheng smiled bitterly.

"Even if we don't have a relationship now, but how do we say it was a father and son before." He said, "You just don't want to believe it. In fact, the father would simply want to have a meal with his son?"

Chen Tanliang was silent.

He looked at Chen Sheng's eyes, clearly saying ‘I don’t believe’.

"I said that you want to bring us closer, and you can't improve the relationship between you and your mother." Chen Tanliang said coldly, "She doesn't owe you anything, she should have other happiness in this life."

"It has nothing to do with that." Chen Sheng said, "Do you think your mother is stupid? If I really have that kind of mind, she won't let me have the opportunity to meet you."

Chen Tanliang frowned, "Then what are you doing because of..."

Chen Sheng sighed softly.

"Tan Liang, let's drink some tea first. What can we worry about? I won't do anything to harm you."

Chen Tanliang stopped talking again. The two were drinking tea quietly.

Even if he doesn't want to admit it anymore, Chen Sheng will indeed give Chen Tanliang a sense of relaxation similar to being around Jiang Shining.

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