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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 91:

After breakfast, everyone should go to work again.

Chen Tanliang, Jingyuan and Jingxuan, and Qiao Huaize usually wear suits, but everyone's preferences are different, so the fabrics, colors, tailoring and feel of the suits are different.

Originally, the bodyguard's suit should be the most low-key, but Jing Yuan, except for occasionally serving as a bodyguard for Jiang Shining, does not work on weekdays. Although he is wearing a black suit, other people wear a suit and are a business person with good manners. Wearing it, Yuan looks especially like the male protagonist of a modern gunfight movie. He seems to wear a suit to go deep into the enemy camp anytime and anywhere, and then fight with the opponent.

What does that word say? Suit thugs/thugs, Jing Yuan also feels dangerous and not a good person in formal clothes.

Jing Xuan's aura is much gentler than Jing Yuan's. He feels like he wears a suit, and he may be the gentleman, courteous and alienated son of the noble family who has recently been accepted by a wealthy son.

Chen Tanliang is another style. He is rigorous and meticulous in doing business. He has a sense of rigor that he can wear uniforms even in a suit. Whether in the army, student training class or office, his subordinates will be silent when he sees him.

Qiao Huaize is more exquisite in dressing and matching. He is indifferent but not indifferent. From the dressing style, he can tell that he is a professor and he is very strict with details.

The most clothes in the family are suits. Before Jiang Shining reunited with her cubs, she didn't know that men's clothes and suits were also the same as women's slogan. Only you can't think of it, there is no limit of color.

With just the three common colors of black, gray and blue, different styles and meticulous looks can be put out into a whole wardrobe without mentioning the matching requirements and the requirements of various famous brands.

Coupled with Jiang Shining, who must be exquisite because he is a boss in the entertainment industry, the president of a family looks like he is doing a formal catwalk show at home every morning.

That morning, everyone went to work as usual. Jiang Shining, Jing Yuan Jingxuan and Chen Tanliang were going to their company, and Qiao Huaize was going to teach students.

Chen Tanliang seemed to be back to what he used to be, but Jing Yuan knew that this guy must still be angry—otherwise how could he avoid every eye contact so precisely?

Hey, too much temperament, didn't he just make a joke?

Chu Jingyuan also couldn't figure it out. According to the normal procedure, it shouldn't be that the two should be sarcastic to each other, and it's just a matter of doing it. Chen Tanliang doesn't play the cards according to common sense.

Seeing that Chen Tanliang was about to go to work, the two hadn't spoken since he was about to cry or not. Jing Yuan hurriedly walked over two steps, somehow said something to ease the atmosphere.

"what's for dinner?"

After talking about Jingyuan, he wanted to bite his tongue. This is too homely. Why can't I open which pot and lift which pot? Why did I ask about something related to eating?

Today, Chen Tanliang, who was wearing a dark gray suit, swept his eyes over, killed Jing Yuan ten thousand times with his eyes, and went to work with a vigorous murderous intent.


It's tiring to be brothers with others.

On this side, Chen Tanlianghuai went to work with the anger that was once again aroused by Jing Yuan. Outside Shengge Company, the four bodyguards wore sunglasses, raised their chins slightly with an unrecognizable attitude, and held both hands in front of him, in a posture that is not easy to provoke. .

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