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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 122:

Chen Tanliang came to the harem like a TV series.

In the courtyard, in a pool of clear water, there are a few scattered lotus flowers scattered on the surface of the pool. It looks like the dead leaves are turning yellow, as if no one has taken care of them for a long time.

This is where Xiaobing lives.

Xiaobijiang Shi Ning gently shook his fan and sat in the pavilion by the pool, staring at the pool in a daze.

With her peach blossom eyes, she has her own amorous feelings. It is obviously an extremely seductive look, but she has a light and immortal air. The two extreme temperaments merge in her body, which makes it difficult for people to look at it. Open your eyes.

This is the first year that Xiaobi adopted Jingyuan. The most favored Xiaobi had become the laughingstock of the harem because of a disgusted prince who had a stalemate with the emperor, which caused the emperor not to visit again for a year. The protagonist stays at ease by himself.

The five-year-old Chu Jingyuan came in from the front door hurriedly. Compared with the thin and gloomy one year ago, he now looks much better. The clothes on his body have also been replaced with good fabrics. There is still a small jade pendant on his waist. .

Chu Jingyuan saw Jiang Shining in the courtyard from a distance. Just as he wanted to ask for peace, he heard the grumble voice of the maid behind her intermittently.

"...If it wasn't because of the Fourth Prince, it would not be difficult to upgrade to a few more levels at this moment according to the predecessor of the Empress." Madam Yulan complained, "Why is it like this, your Majesty hasn't stepped into our palace again for a whole year. Niang Niang, why are you so troublesome? If you want a prince, wouldn’t it be better for you to give birth to one yourself?"

Chu Jingyuan's footsteps stopped.

On the other side, the palace maid Su Ye said coldly, "Youlan, you have talked a lot, and you can do whatever you want. How can you speak? Since you are so dissatisfied, wouldn't it be better for you to seek a new master?"

"You-I'm not doing this for the empress!" Youlan said angrily.

Xiaobing stared at the lake, she also said lightly, "You Lan, Su Ye is right. If you are dissatisfied, you still have time to go." She raised her head, her beautiful eyes looked at You Lan, with a smile. "After all, you may not see the emperor in the next few years."

"Manny, I, I am not..."

"Okay, Youlan, you are tired, let's go down first." Jiang Shining waved his hand leisurely.

Yolan bit her lip and left angrily.

She walked back angrily, but just after a corner, she caught Chu Jingyuan off guard.

"Seven, the seventh prince..." Yolan murmured in horror.

Although Chu Jingyuan was only five years old, she was not a court lady who could provoke her.

With his hands behind his back, Xiao Jingyuan raised his head and smiled gently.

"Good to go, Yolan." Jing Yuan smiled, but his immature voice revealed an overly calm voice, which made people chill behind his back.

Yolan was frightened by the five-year-old child and stumbled away.

Chen Tanliang looked at the five-year-old Xiao Jingyuan. Jing Yuan lowered his head, and a dark expression flashed across his face, but when he raised his head, the gloom had disappeared.

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