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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 128:

In the city of Y, another super-large city far away from City P, the headquarters of Longteng Tianxia Group was still sleeping peacefully in the night, and did not feel the coming waves.

On the hills on the outskirts of the city, among the huge Xiujia Manor, Xiu Lingfei stood at the French windows, watching the city at the foot of the mountain calmly.

"Shengge Group has been biting very tight recently. They did not hesitate to poach out a few suppliers and manufacturers that cooperated with us at high prices." Behind Xiu Lingfei is his eldest son Xiu Jingran. He frowned, "I can't figure out why Shengge is so directed at us now. This vicious competition is not good for both of us."

Xiu Lingfei's expression darkened.

"Shengge is still working with Xuanyuan?" He said.

"Yes." Speaking of this, Xiu Jingran was also a little puzzled, "Shengge Group's support for Xuanyuan has surpassed the cooperative relationship, and it is almost like helping a brother company. Do they know each other?"

More than knowing.

Xiu Lingfei snorted softly.

Of course he knew why Chen Sheng helped Xuanyuan so much. Anyway, his company will be his son in the future. Jing Xuan and his son are both children of Jiang Shining, so naturally he feels relieved.

Xiu Lingfei has never bored Chen Sheng as much as he does now. He felt that Jiang Shining was very double-standard. He cut off all the relationship with him directly, while on the other side he indulged Chu Jingyuan and Shengge Group. Why?

Is he inferior to Chen Sheng in any way?

Xiu Lingfei actually had grievances. Jiang Shining was like a stone stuck in his voice.

But at this moment, Xiu Lingfei's heart is more alarm bells. Chu Jingxuan and Chen Sheng have a cooperative relationship, so whether Chu Jingyuan and Chen Sheng have contact is a matter of vigilance.

When the father and son met last time, Jing Yuan only showed him three handles, which can cause turmoil but can barely calm down, but according to his understanding of Jing Yuan, Jing Yuan may have more deadly dragons in his hands. Black material.

Xiu Ling was not very irritable. He knew that Jing Yuan was a person who had grievances and would avenge him. Even the grievances of the previous world, he could catch up to this era.

"Go and clean up all the things in the past." Xiu Lingfei said, "Even if it is dug up, there is no evidence for them to find."

"You mean...we are being targeted?" Xiu Jingran frowned, "How is it possible? We did so many concealment measures..."

Xiu Lingfei shook his head.

"Check it again."

Chu Jingyuan should not be underestimated.


In the early morning, Jing Yuan was squatting at the door of the villa to feed the cat.

The little black cat last year has now become a mother cat, walking around the villa area with three little cubs, like a lion patrolling the site.

Obviously, the black cat had not forgotten Chu Jingyuan, and arrived outside their villa on time in the morning, sitting in a row, waiting for the emperor's feeding. Jing Yuan feeds the big cat and rubs the little milk cat in his hand. The big cat looks up, then lowers his head to continue eating.

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