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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 23:

The court in the previous life knew that the fourth prince Jing Yuan, who was cruel and vicious, was actually extremely filial. His army had surrounded Miyagi that year, ready to force the emperor to abdicate. Obviously, soldiers were approaching the city, but only because Jiang's Xiaohuang imperial concubine asked him to retreat, he retreated.

In fact, as an emperor for a lifetime, Jing Yuan has experienced more things, and gradually discovered that the omnipotent concubine Xiaomu in his memory is actually not as versatile and powerful as he imagined when he was a child. She has also gone through some detours. , I have suffered a lot of grievances.

But even so, even if he knew that Jiang Shining was not always correct, he still could not violate Jiang Shining's requirements. If she asked him to retreat back then, Jing Yuan hesitated, but still accepted. Just like now—he originally didn't want to mention some things, but Jiang Shining asked about it, and he couldn't hide it.

He didn't want to lie to her.

Chu Jingyuan actually grew up abroad before he was 20 years old. He is an orphan in this life and was raised by a foreign man from M country.

This man named Mike is quite powerful in that country. Mike quickly discovered that the little boy he picked up was very talented, calm in the face of things, and very calm in the face of dangerous situations, so he took Jingyuan with him wherever he went and asked him to "do business" with him.

So on the other side of the planet for more than ten years, when other gangs are dealing with Mike’s gang, they can always see this wonderful scene—a boy is always by his side, even though the boy is on the side of Mike sitting down. High, but has always stood in the position of deputy.

Other foreigners laughed at Mike for taking in a little pet. Until one day, the boy collapsed the head of an enemy man with no expression. From then on, no one dared to despise him.

After a few years, Jing Yuan quickly gained fame in the local area. Even adult men are afraid of this young man. He seems to have come from hell, like a sharp blade, solving all those who dare to stand in the way. The most frightening thing is that he is cold-blooded and ruthless, without fear of life and death. It's like a life-killing evil spirit.

On the day he became an adult, Mike called him over.

"From the day I picked you up, I knew that you were not an ordinary child. Now it proves that my thinking was correct." Mike said, "A person like you is destined to be someone else's. It's the same with mine. This city can't accommodate you anymore, you should change to a wider place. May God be with you, my child."

Jing Yuan helped Mike to lay down the entire city in his youth, and Mike gave him a seven-digit bank card on his adult day, and he promised that he would always be Jing Yuan's supporter. The two were separated peacefully and have always been in contact.

In fact, for Jingyuan at the time, he was quite willing to work under Mike.

Jing Yuan once ruled the world, and he has no interest in power. In the new world, he has no enemies in his previous life, nor his own family, and what he does is just as boring.

As a result, when Jing Yuan hadn't found his target, Xiu Lingfei's Longteng Group was listed in Country M.

You can imagine what kind of mood Jing Yuan felt when he saw Xiu Lingfei's face in the news.

He immediately had a goal, and he returned home after buying the day's ticket. He searched all the famous people again, and unexpectedly found Jing Xuan, who had just started a company. Jing Yuan originally wanted to go to him directly, but happened to accept a few subordinates halfway through, all of whom were his former subordinates.

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