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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 89:

In Xuanyuan Company, Jing Xuan sat behind his desk, looking at the documents.

The assistant knocked on the door and walked in.

"President, CEO Chen of Shengge Group is here."

Jing Xuan put down the file and raised his head.

"Understood, I'll go out to meet him."

In front of the main entrance of the Xuanyuan Enterprise Building, a Maserati and Audi followed slowly to a halt. The co-pilot's assistant got out of the car first and opened the rear door.

"President, here comes the man."

At the same time, Qin Qian said in the hall.

Jing Xuan was talking with several subordinates. Hearing Qin Qian's voice, Jing Xuan straightened his clothes and went out. The group happened to meet the people from Shengge at the door.

Jing Yuan stood at the front door, watching the young man getting out of the car, the corner of his mouth was a little deeper.

"Mr. Chen, it's nice to meet you." He said, "It's a great honor to meet for the first time."

Chen Tanliang ran his fingers across his collar and smoothed out the non-existent folds. Then he stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

"Mr. Wang." Chen Tanliang said, "I have heard of the name for a long time, and when I saw it today, it was really extraordinary."

The two shook hands. After a while, Jing Xuan reached out and asked Wang Muze to join the company.

The well-dressed, hand-made custom suits of the two presidents showed the greatest charm on them, and the side by side scene was comparable to the scene of an idol drama.

Some passing employees were idiots far away for a while, but no one took out their mobile phones to take pictures-because in order to protect their own **** to the utmost extent, Xuanyuan Company insisted on prohibiting employees from taking photos at will in the company. Of course, everyone knows in their hearts that it is the president who cannot be photographed.

The two got into the elevator and came to Jing Xuan's office.

When the door was closed, the two of them who had been burdened by the CEO just breathed a sigh of relief.

"How about it, the lighting and feng shui are good?" Jing Xuan smiled.

He poured tea for the two of them, and Chen Tanliang looked around his office.

"It's really good."

The ancients paid attention to feng shui and furnishings. In fact, perhaps the people of C country are very particular about Feng Shui, but ordinary people can't tell why they come. They just intuitively sense the orientation and decoration of a house. For example, whether it is square, transparent, north-south, or whether the room feels dark and narrow, etc. Although most people don't understand, intuitive preferences will tell them whether feng shui is good or not, and foreigners rarely pay attention to these.

Jing Xuan was originally an ancient person, but also a royal son, so he paid more attention to these. He personally supervised the company's site selection, the floor of the office, and the furnishings of the house. When ordinary people come here, they only feel that Jingxuan's company and office are very comfortable, but Chen Tanliang can see that Jingxuan is even knowledgeable about placing a decorative vase here.

Chen Tanliang took the tea and sat on the sofa with Jing Xuan.

Shengge and Xuanyuan were going to cooperate, but now Chen Tanliang is back, Chen Sheng simply put this matter to Chen Tanliang.

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