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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 102:

In the evening, Valen went to the only wine job in Z City.

The owner of this wine shop generally calls him Brother Li. Those who open wine and restaurants in such places basically have some unclear backgrounds.

Brother Li is the same. He hired Warren because he saw this kid fighting desperately, as fierce as a wolf cub. In general, the big brothers in society like to find a few young people who are stunned.

Moreover, such a high school-age teenager is actually about the same height and body shape as an adult. Not only can he be used as an adult, but he does not need to sign a formal contract to hire a teenager like Waren. He usually cleans the floor and moves things. When something happens, I help Brother Li to fight. If something goes wrong, Brother Li will be able to push him away, and only say that these teenagers are regular visitors, and the other party won't be able to recruit.

Li Ge thinks that a teenager like Warren is the best choice. He has no social experience, no family background, and he has life and money. I have never seen the world at a young age. I always feel that loyalty is the most important thing in the world. Give him some benefits and love, and he can help you like a dog.

It is a pity that if Qi Qin is only Qi Qin, he may be really deceived by Li Ge's disguise, but Qi Qin's lining contains the soul of Warren. Warren knew Li Ge's use of him and that ridiculous confidence, but he was too lazy to pierce him, and showed his trust as Li Ge hoped.

He wants to make money, all he needs is. If you really want to play scheming, Warren can play this arrogant man to death.

On this day, Warren arrived before the wine opened, and moved some heavy objects and wiped the table.

At this time, Manager Zhao, who was in charge of the waiter, ran over breathlessly.

"Qi Qin, go to Li Ge's chess and card room to help, someone is smashing something!"

After every help fight, Li Ge can give him 1,000 yuan, almost half a month's salary. So Warren dropped the rag and ran out.

His movements were as agile as a little leopard, quickly bypassing various obstacles, and came to the chess cards played by Li Ge as quickly as possible. Sure enough, there was a drunk man yelling and cursing, while flipping the table. Smash the stool.

He also brought a knife with him and waved it wildly.

Warren looked at the other two gangster security guards in the crowd, and they happened to look over too.

"Qi Qin, come on, my brothers have been waiting for you for a long time!" The man was on the tip of his mind, watching the danger and let him go.

Qi Qin is a minor, and his beatings are not as severe as an adult's punishment, so they always use him as a gunman. Warren didn't speak, but glanced at the corner of his mouth in disgust.

He looked at the drunken man, walked slowly into the empty circle, fixed his eyes on him, and quietly held the edge of the chair in his hand.

When the man turned his back to him, Warren threw on like black lightning, the chair in his hand smashed on the man's right shoulder with the knife, and then he shook the knife out of the man's hand. He was dexterous and skilled, swept his feet, and the man fell to the ground.

The two security guards rushed forward cursing, and when they turned the man over, Valen still pressed him dutifully.

"Let go... let me go, damn..."

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