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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 131:

When Jiang Shining drove home, he was still in a mixed mood.

No matter what she thought, she couldn't think of who the mysterious man that suddenly appeared was. Why did he suddenly rush out, why did he act on Xiu Lingfei and disappear like this?

Is this person related to Xiu Lingfei or her?

Can't figure it out.

When Jiang Shining stopped the car, she saw Chu Jingyuan squatting on the side of the road wearing slippers. He saw Jiang Shining and stood up.

"Why didn't you go home so late today?"

"The traffic jam made a detour." Jiang Shining locked the car, then looked at him, "Why are you outside?"

"Wait for you and feed the cat." Jing Yuan scratched his hair. "It's strange, why didn't you come today?"

"Cats have their own business." Jiang Shining smiled.

She didn't plan to tell Jingyuan about this matter to them.

Jing Yuan's character is too easy to go to extremes, she is afraid that Jing Yuan knows that Xiu Ling is not blocking herself, and what really kills it. She felt that it was enough for Xiu Lingfei to go to jail for his crimes, and it would also allow Jing Yuan to let go of this matter.

She didn't care what would happen to Xiu Lingfei, she just didn't want Jing Yuan to go to extremes. After all, this is a modern world, and if she is inspired by the task of the book, it is to conform to the rules of the times. Since you are convincing people with the law in this world, it is better not to do gray things.

Anyway, she also has enough ability to protect herself. This time it was a coincidence. Next time Xiu Lingfei dared to pester her again, she would beat him and call him father.

When eating, everyone was still lively. Jiang Shining and Jingxuan Jingyuan, Chen Tanliang, who are the presidents, do not talk about outside affairs at home, so except for a few of them who are more concerned about the Longteng incident, the other people's performance is still very relaxed, because everyone believes them. This matter will be resolved.

The evening's TV series has already broadcast the story of Waren. It took three consecutive nights for the interstellar TV series to reach its ending. After seeing Warren committing suicide, everyone got up a little bit sorrowful.

It turned out that the other brothers were a bit dissatisfied with Warren's over-reliance on Jiang Shining. Now that he saw his growth, they began to feel that they were a bit too much at first.

In the end, Valen sat on the throne of the Imperial Marshal, overthrew the planets, and united the galaxies. He was already a super god. However, his mental age is still estimated to be around seventeen or eighteen. One can imagine why this is because the spiritual connection between Warren and Jiang Shining is too close.

There is Jiang Shining to help him think and help him make decisions. Warren doesn't need to grow up or mature, so he relies on Jiang Shining so much.

It's not even right to describe him as "Mama Baonan" because Warren himself is a baby, and he committed suicide because he lost Ma Ma.

Thinking about it this way, Warren’s previous behaviors were very normal, and they were too harsh.

Since eating in the morning, Warren was touched and hugged by everyone to express his apologies to him. Warren is extremely unaccustomed to being treated this way, especially of the same sex. He irritably expressed his dissatisfaction, and his brothers also looked like "well, what are you doing right", which made Waren feel like a fist hit the cotton.

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