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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 118:

After Jing Yuan sent Jiang Shining, he went to his company again.

In order to commend the company's strong and elite strength, the front desk of his company is staffed by trainees in shifts. They wear a black uniform and sit in front of them.

When the front desk students saw Jing Yuan coming in, they immediately showed two rows of white teeth that were inconsistent with the elite tough guys.

"Boss, you are here!"

"How many times have you said don't call me the boss."

From Jingyuan to every subordinate and student under his staff, they all revealed the momentum of "Do you want to get slashed?" They also called the boss, don’t let others think that their bodyguard company was organized to act as a facade. , It's a lot of misunderstanding.

"Yes, boss!" The student quickly changed his words, "Ms. Wang, instructor Chen is here."

Chen Tanliang? Shouldn't he go to the headquarters of Shengge Group to find Chen Sheng to meet every weekend?

Chu Jingyuan walked into the company, passed a group of students who greeted him, and finally arrived at his office.

Chen Tanliang was indeed inside.

He didn’t change into a black instructor uniform today, but was wearing a dark blue pinstripe handmade suit. The tie he wore turned out to have a golden gilt edge. At first glance, he was in the state of meeting Chen Sheng, because Chen Sheng basically Will take him to meet people from all walks of life every once in a while.

Jing Yuan glanced at his watch. He returned after sending Jiang Shining. It was already ten o'clock. Looking at Chen Tanliang's costume, he raised his eyebrows.

"Have you gone already, or did you not go?"

Chen Tanliang swept him up and down, and gave him a white look, but relaxed a little.

"Mom didn't say about you?" He said, "Did you say he was going to beat you again."


"Oh." Chen Tanliang sighed, looking quite disappointed.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Jing Yuan raised an eyebrow in dissatisfaction. "Do you really want me to be beaten?"

"Yeah, I am disappointed that you weren't beaten."

Chen Tanliang also looked down at his watch. Chen Sheng is a scene person, and Jing Yuan is relatively low-key compared to him. This watch was given by Chen Sheng, with a suite on top. He was also forced to bring it, or he would be embarrassed.

"Are you in a hurry?" Jing Yuan said, "Do you need to go to Shengge Group today?"

"It's a bit in a hurry." Chen Tanliang put down his hands and raised his head again. "What did you two say? Did mom blame you?"

Jing Yuan originally wanted to say something, but he stopped and raised his head, and those deep pool-like eyes looked at Chen Tanliang.

"...You didn't come here to wait for me because you were worried that I would be scolded?" He said in disbelief.

"Of course not." Chen Tanliang looked indifferent, "A trip to Shengge Group was originally what I planned to do."

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Tanliang's lips moved, but he didn't answer immediately, as if he didn't think about how to say it.

After a few seconds, he said, "Let me see if these students are lazy."

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