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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 147:

To be honest, Jiang Shining never planned to hide Mu Chi from the beginning.

He is an excellent person, and his edge should not be concealed.

Moreover, the position of assistant president Jiang Shining gave him was actually much higher than that of secretary. In the future, he will gradually handle more and more work and establish majesty, and he will eventually become a position similar to the vice president of Ninglu.

Muchi didn't know, but Jiang Shining had already arranged it like this. Ninglu Media will become bigger and bigger in the future, and maybe even cross-industry and become a group in the future. Jiang Shining needs someone who can be trusted.

Apart from her son in the world, the person she trusts most is Mu Chi.

As for other things? let it go.

A few months later, Zou Yu, who hadn't appeared for a long time, finally appeared. At the same time, it was revealed that Xiaohua Dan Cheng Tan Meng was carrying a child to visit Jingrui, the third son of the supervisor.

"As expected of the heroine, she will identify whoever she falls in love with." Zou Yu explained to Jiang Shining, "I had been helping her settle down for a while, but now that it has stabilized, she took her child to see Xiujing. Rui."

Although Xiu Jingrui also committed financial crimes, it was much lighter than his father's. Perhaps it could be said that Xiu Lingfei took as much of the sins of his three sons as possible by himself, and some evidence was conclusive, Xiu Lingfei said that he was the mastermind, and his son only obeyed him.

In this case, Xiu Lingfei was sentenced to a heavier sentence than Jiang Shining imagined, and the third son of the Xiu family was sentenced to six to three years.

Xiu Lingfei used to look down on Cheng Tan Meng in particular. For him, artists are all actors, unable to be on the stage, not to mention being an improper household. Unexpectedly, Cheng Tanmeng turned out to be true love now. She told the third child to wait for him to be released from prison and continue to live in the future.

And Zou Yu's first world is half completed, the rich and the entertainment circle have been completed, and finally there is one campus mission left, and she can leave the first world.

The administration has agreed that if she still wants to be with the actor of this world after she finishes the mission, she can come back and reconnect with him at that time.

Jiang Shining was very embarrassed to hear that if Zou Yu had to do low-level tasks all the time, reincarnation ten was possible, and it sounded like a headache for her retired person.

They both thought that they would not see each other for a long time, and they reluctantly said goodbye. Jiang Shining also personally sent her out of the company, watching Zou Yu's car go away, only then sighed and returned to the office.

Unexpectedly, on the next day, Zou Yu came back again. She looked very tired and dusty. As soon as she entered Jiang Shining's office, she hugged him up crying. Jiang Shining was a little confused by her, so she patted her on the shoulder while comforting.

When Zou Yu calmed down, Jiang Shining asked her, "Why didn't you perform the task?"

"Senior, I have finished my mission and come back!" Zou Yu started crying again as soon as he said it, "Uuuu, you are the predecessor who treats me best and sincerely in so many worlds, I want to kill you."

Only then did Jiang Shining understand that the flow rate between the world and the world is different, and the bureau asked Zou Yu to go to other worlds to complete the mission, and then return to this world, so to Jiang Shining, she seemed to have not left. .

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