112 (2)

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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 112: (2)

The human planet is the same, which disgusts him. It doesn't matter to him when it's nothing.

He could feel Jiang Shining thinking, and the big boy stretched out his hand, took her waist, and rubbed her shoulder with his forehead.

"What are you thinking about?"

Jiang Shining looked at the virtual sea surface, her eyes darkened.

"Agabia's ruler should be changed."

"Do you want to be a queen?" Warren asked.

"I don't want to, I don't want to give my heart and soul to a planet without feelings." Jiang Shining turned to look at him, "But the royal family of Agabia must be replaced by someone who trusts supernatural powers and is willing to interact with others. The planets form an alliance."

Only in this way can we fight Anjiexing in the future.

"It sounds a bit difficult." Varen said. "Humans have an innate fear of supernatural beings. They fear this genetic change."

"Then change to a supernatural power, or directly adapt the empire into a federal planet."

Valen has now reaped the love of countless people on the planet, and his appearance alone is enough to make the whole planet's women die.

Jiang Shining originally thought that this empire was about to be promoted to Marshal Valen in less than two years, but he never expected that less than half a year later, someone from the empire said that he would prepare for the appointment ceremony. This is a signal to Jiang Shining. Perhaps the royal family and the old school have broken up, and the empire needs a new marshal to fight David.

In the morning of the six-star moon, reporters and upper-class people have gathered in the live broadcast on the whole planet. They gathered on both sides of the red carpet until a high-end speeding car stopped at the entrance, and people were already screaming. stand up.

The soldier stepped forward to open the door, and Warren, wearing a white uniform, walked out, combing his black hair with slightly curled ends to the side, and a pair of green eyes showed vertical pupils under the sun. His tall nose and exotic mixed-race feeling have long been the beauty sought by fashionable people on the planet. The vertical pupils of the orcs who originally represented the humble have also become a model for people to imitate.

Facing the cheers of the crowd, Warren glanced over indifferently, but made the person being watched scream.

Warren ascended the platform step by step, where His Majesty Yell was watching him with broad eyes.

His Majesty Yell gave him the medal representing the highest power in the army and smiled.

"My dear boy, you will be the sharp edge of the Agabia Empire." He said, "The entire empire is your backup. You are worth everything."

"Can I make any requests?" Warren asked.

"Of course." said the emperor.

Warren smiled softly.

"I want Marshal David."

His Majesty Yell was stunned, and then he remembered an excellent way to get rid of David-Warren has always been sorrowing about David, is there anyone who is more suitable than him to do it?

Thus, in this year, David was given to Valen by His Majesty Yale just as he took Eve back then.

When the hood was taken off, David saw Warren who had not taken off his white interstellar uniform. He suddenly understood that he was over today.

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