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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 93:

Jing Yuan originally thought that Chen Tanliang forced him and Guoguo milk to have a solid evidence, this time it was always Chen Tanliang's turn to be unlucky?

He looked at Jiang Shining expectantly, and Jiang Shining raised his eyes to Chen Tanliang.

She sighed softly.

"Tan Liang, if you want to drink AD calcium milk, buy it yourself, don't steal the fruit."

"I was wrong." Chen Tanliang said sincerely, "Guoguo, I will pay you a box today, okay?"

"Good!" Guoguo was very happy.

Then, everyone started to have breakfast happily.

……This thing just passed?

Jing Yuan was a little skeptical of life.

He couldn't help but think about his life like this. He felt that Jiang Shining was too partial, as if Chen Tanliang and Qiao Huaize were born, and he picked them up.

No, he was picked up originally!

Jing Yuan was even more depressed.

Before leaving the house, Jing Yuan was wearing a tie in front of the mirror. Chen Tanliang came over and snorted in his ear.

"I will learn how to cook soon, you wait!" Chen Tanliang announced.

Then, he turned to the right in a standard way, and left arrogantly.

Jing Yuan's fingers froze on his tie, he looked at himself in the mirror and sighed deeply.

... Chen Tanliang is simply too boring! ! He actually took cooking as a challenge and a business to learn first. Moreover, he also gave Jing Yuan two or three battles very seriously.

He never wanted to talk to Chen Tanliang anymore, his heart was so tired.

Jing Yuan drove to work, thinking about life along the way.

Once upon a time, he Chu Jingyuan was a dangerous wild wolf on the ice field, and a cheetah in the dark night, a fearsome existence. How come you get into this state of being bullied by others inexplicably?

Could it be that modern life is too comfortable, so he has degenerated from the wolf king to a husky?

No, no, no, he has to regain his domineering power as an emperor.

Jing Yuan made up his mind, even his eyes were sharp.

Buzzing——At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and it was Jiang Shining who sent the message.

[Mother Master: I apologize for buying some food for Guoguo when I come back in the evening. 】

Jing Yuan kept his cold expression and quickly returned the message.

[Okay, my dear mother. 】

Putting down the phone, just when the red light turned green, Jing Yuan continued to drive towards his bodyguard company.

A new day starts with a brand new devil training!

Jing Yuan's mood improved. He went outside the factory, parked the car, and walked in through the front door.

Before he even got inside, he heard a scream.

"Instructor, please, let us go-you are training bodyguards, not special soldiers!"

"I think you have to have that kind of quality in training special forces." Chen Tanliang said in a cold voice, "Speak without giving a report. The whole group has a hundred leapfrogs!"

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