142 (1)

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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 142: (1)

Runhe forty-three years, a hot summer.

Jiang Shining was lying on the couch, reading a book quietly, and occasionally a bit of hot wind blew through the edge of the window, picking up the ends of her forehead hair.

At this moment, a person hurriedly walked in, Su Ye, Jiang Shining's most trusted maid.

"Niangniang, have you heard that? Gu Bi has made trouble again."

Jiang Shining didn't look up, she said lazily, "Why, did she finally find the bracelet that she lost three days ago?"

"It was said that it was stolen by a shadow guard, and it is now fighting."

Jiang Shining sneered.

"She can't find a substitute for a dead ghost. How good is it to give the **** maid, how can the shadow guard steal the holy thing."

"It seems that Gu is also in a hurry. The emperor's rewards are not easy to put away, and now it is difficult to explain it. The court lady **** can steal it casually, which only shows that she is not strict and does not care about it." Su Ye He also chuckled, "We can only rely on the identity of the shadow guard, the shadow guard is powerful, and it can be justified."

Jiang Shining was disdainful. Everyone knew it was just a cover. Regardless of whether Gu Bin's bracelet was lost or framed by others, her brother and father led the army on the front line, and the emperor couldn't move her. Gu Bin needed it. It was to find a step for the emperor to forgive her.

This ‘step’ is to push all of this to the lower person. When the time comes, everyone will be killed and everything will be fine.

It's just a pity that the innocent shadow guard was going to die unjustly for the benefit of others.

Now we all know that Xiao Fei and Gu Bi are in a turbulent situation. Although Gu Bi has a lower level, but with the support of the family, she will rise to the position of the Fourth Concubine sooner or later, so no one dared to provoke her.

Gu Bin most despise Jiang Shining. In her eyes, this concubine Xiao had no family background, no foundation, and she was able to go to the present only because she was charming with her beauty. In the bottom of her heart, she felt that it was nothing to offend a Jiang Shining.

"Niangniang, do you want to do something?" Su Ye asked.

Jiang Shining really didn't want to do anything at first. Gu Bin's loss of the sacred object can only be ignored this time, and she has nothing to handle.

Two days later, Jiang Shining was idle in her room to practice calligraphy. Suddenly, a figure appeared from a dark corner and went straight to Jiang Shining and knelt down.

"Mother... Empress!"

Jiang Shining raised her head and saw the female shadow guard in her room, Ying Hong. Generally speaking, the shadow guard never shows up, unless there is an emergency, it is a violation of the law to talk to the young master of the palace without authorization. So Ying Hong, who was kneeling, looked extremely fearful and nervous, but very firm.

Jiang Shining put down the pen and said strangely, "Yinghong, what's the matter?"

Generally speaking, the Shadow Guardian reports that it is fine to speak with both hands and fist, but Ying Hong, in a strong black suit, bends his spine and touches his forehead to the ground.

"Niang Niang, please save Brother!"

Jiang Shining frowned slightly, not knowing what she was talking about, Ying Hong had already spoken tremblingly.

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