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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 73:

"Mr. Jingyuan..." Wanding was also a little helpless, he said, "Brothers have no overnight hatred, do you think?"

"That's right." Jing Yuan smiled, "Boss Wan, I want to meet my brother. You have no reason to stop it?"

Wanding couldn't help it. No matter how he persuaded him, Jing Yuan was always smiling.

Why! Wanding thought about it, you are both the emperor and the sword saint. You can solve all the messy things in your family by yourself!

So, after twenty minutes, Wan Ding brought Jing Yuan to Qiao Huaize's classroom. I just ran into a student after class. Wanding poked his head and saw Qiao Huaize was packing things.

"That... Mr. Joe." Wanding said a little helplessly, "Mr. Jingyuan is here for you."

Qiao Huaize raised his head and saw Wanding and Jing Yuan behind him, instantly. He nodded to Wanding, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, then...you two chat privately."

Wan Ding turned sideways and let Jing Yuan into the house.

The door is closed, but because the side facing the corridor is made of glass, although you can't hear what is said inside, you can see their movements. Wanding did not leave, but stood in the corridor.

He was really afraid of a dispute between the two.

Wanding's mind kept reverberating with the look of Qiao Huaize's loss that night, and the demon he said... Wanding was very afraid that they would talk and start their hands. It's a big deal to hurt people if they are unintentional.

In the classroom, Qiao Huaize put down the things in his hands, raised those phoenix eyes, and looked at Jing Yuan.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll find you back." Jing Yuan said.

This was beyond Qiao Huaize's expectation, and he frowned suddenly.

"You let me go back?" He said, "What is your intention? That day you obviously didn't want to..."

"It doesn't matter whether I am willing or not." Jing Yuan said lightly, "Jiang Shining wants you to go back, you have to go with me."

Qiao Huaize raised his eyebrows, "Did she tell you?"

"No." Jing Yuan stared at Qiao Huaize with a pair of eyes like wolves. He slowly approached him and said in a dangerous voice, "But she is very unhappy. I don't care what you think-I just want you to go back."

Qiao Huaize suddenly became angry in his heart. The person in front of him has become extremely eye-catching.

Why is this person talking to Jiang Shining from the standpoint of him?

Qiao Huaize sneered, and he said mockingly, "If I don't want it."

Chu Jingyuan didn't answer directly. He picked up the sword he had brought, and pulled out the scabbard, flashing a cold shiny blade.

"The two of us will discuss each other." Jing Yuan said coldly, "If you lose, you will go back with me."

Qiao Huaize was startled, he thought he had heard it wrong.

"You want to compare swords with me?"

Chu Jingyuan looked at him directly.

"Yes, just compare with you."

Qiao Huaize stared at Chu Jingyuan, as if he wanted to see his intentions from his face. But Chu Jingyuan just stared at him uncompromisingly.

The corners of Qiao Huaize's mouth slowly twitched out, and he sneered, "Chu Jingyuan, don't regret it, the sword has no eyes."

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