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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 32:

At night, when Jing Yuan and Jing Xuan returned home, Jiang Shining felt that there seemed to be a solemn atmosphere flowing between them.

"What's the matter with you two?" Jiang Shining asked strangely.

Jing Xuan changed his shoes, took off his suit, walked over, and put his hand on Jiang Shining's shoulder, and put his head on her shoulder.

"Jing Yuan hit me." He complained aggrievedly.

Chu Jingyuan felt Jiang Shining's gaze look over—he looked at Jing Xuan, who was leaning on his mother with a good-looking baby expressionlessly, and gave a chuckle.

"Chu Jingxuan, please repeat what you said this afternoon." Jing Yuan smiled gloomily, "I promise not to hit you."

"Look, mother! He's scaring me again!" Jing Xuan said immediately, "He just beat me in my company. Are you angry?"

"Did you not fight back?" Chu Jingyuan raised his eyebrows, only feeling that Jing Xuan's appearance of being old in front of Jiang Shining was getting more and more true from his brother.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shining was helpless.

Jing Xuan was swearing not to speak, and Chu Jingyuan talked about what happened this afternoon. He originally wanted Jiang Shining to be fair, but he finally finished the process. I saw my beloved mother laughed happily, and she was full of schadenfreude.

Jing Yuan:...

Jing Yuan: "...Mom, don't you talk about him?"

"What's there to say? Anyway, you are all my sons. It doesn't matter who is older or younger." Jiang Shining said sternly, "You two negotiate by yourself. There is only one point, no fights are allowed!"

After saying this, Jiang Shining hummed up to the second floor and went to see Guoguo.

In the living room, the two brothers looked at each other, and the atmosphere was frozen.

In the next second, Jing Yuan pulled off the hangers on the clothes rack and went to chase Jing Xuan, jumping over on the sofa like parkour, and Jing Xuan almost simultaneously began to escape.

"Didn't you say that you promise not to hit me?" Jing Xuan said as he dodged in the living room deftly.

"You stop and I will think about it." Chu Jingyuan said gloomily.

The two went around in the living room and returned to the sofa and coffee table. Jing Xuan really had nowhere to run. He directly picked up the pillow on the sofa to block it, and the next second Jing Yuan's clothes hung down.

Jing Xuan received this, his wrist shook, and he almost missed the pillow. Feeling the strength of the push across the pillow, Chu Jingxuan wailed, "You are really cruel!"

"Didn't you avoid it?" Jing Yuan grinned and said, "It just happens to be going to the island. Let's practice hard. I'll see if your skills as a boss are abolished."

Jing Xuan's skills are naturally better than normal people, but no matter how exaggerated he is, he will definitely not be able to beat Jing Yuan-he could not beat him in his previous life. In this life, Jing Yuan went abroad to become the black boss, and he grew up in actual combat since he was a child. And how could he, a good citizen who struggled hard in a city like him, be able to fight?

"Jing Yuan, I think you are angry into anger." Jing Xuan said bitterly, "You are angry, and you can't change this fact. I'm just one year older than you."

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