143 (2)

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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 143: (2)

Feeling like, how could you say this to Mu Chi? How can she expose her true feelings and thoughts to him?

She has only come back all the time, how can she be so relaxed! It is not fake to chat with Mu Chi happily and relax, but she is also a little too relaxed.

If this goes on, something will happen.

Here Mu Chi savored it carefully, he seemed to understand or not.

Jiang Shining meant that she had no choice, nor did she love the emperor?


One year later, Jiang Shining's body was almost recovered.

During this year, the Concubine Gu's family fell from the horse and was rectified by the emperor. The previous dynasty lost power, and Concubine Gu was directly robbed of the title and concubine.

At the same time, Jiang Shining was named a noble concubine. The imperial concubine, who is also a noble concubine, is no longer a climate, and now the only one who can play in high positions is the queen.

On the second day after sealing the imperial concubine, Jiang Shining found Mu Chi. Now that Ying Yi was expelled from the position of supervisor due to his negligence, the director of Yingwei Pavilion was vacant, and Jiang Shining asked Mu Chi to go back and fight for it.

"You want to drive me away?" Muchi said incredulously.

Jiang Shining was silent. Her opponent is only the queen, but the opponent is more sophisticated and difficult to deal with. She can no longer keep Mu Chi by her side, she can't help being too relaxed with him.

"You are of no use by my side. If something happens, I can't protect you, and you can't help me." Jiang Shining calmed down with a reason he could accept, "If you become the director of the Shadow Guardian Pavilion, how can you? Couldn't it also help me and Jingyuan?"

Mu Chi was silent, but he could feel his frustration.

Jiang Shining sighed. She stretched out her hand to comfort him, but nothing seemed reasonable. Finally, she gently touched his head.

"Much, in this world, you and I are not easy to live." She slowed down, "but there are always things worth fighting for."

Mu Chi finally agreed to Jiang Shining's request, or in other words, he had never opposed her.

Externally, Jiang Shining showed an attitude of driving away Muchi. Others only thought that Concubine Gu was completely finished, and Muchi had no use value.

Mu Chi was going to leave the imperial concubine Xiao's palace. Originally, he needed to brand a bar on his chest, which meant that he was no longer Jiang Shining's. But Mu Chi was injured once before, and a scar passed through his chest obliquely. Separating the word, it is considered that there is no need to suffer another crime.

Everyone sympathized with him. They thought that Jiang Shining had treated him so generously to make trouble for Concubine Gu, but now he has become an abandoned son.

Mu Chi went back to his place in silence to pack up things. When he was about to leave, a person opened the door and came in. It was Yinghong.

"Senior Brother, the master really wants you to go?" She said anxiously, "There must be some misunderstanding in this, I'll go find her..."

"No need to trouble." Mu Chi said lightly, "Yinghong, since you are a shadow guard, you must have a sense of responsibility as a shadow guard. The shadow guard should be a shadow, don't bother your mother all the time."

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