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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 110:

For Jing Yuan, in fact, he has the ability to compete for acting, but everyone is getting along well, so he doesn't have to embarrass himself so much.

But this Valen, Jiang Shining seemed to be too kind to him.

At the beginning, the brothers were comforting themselves, and Warren had just found him, and indeed suffered a lot in the small city. Jiang Shining was right to care too much.

When he returned home, Jiang Shining asked Warren to live in the room that was specially vacated next to him. Warren also felt at ease as if he accepted it normally. Everyone looked at this room again, and afterwards they felt that they didn't feel good about it. .

They comforted each other at first, because Warren was more loving when he was young. But after turning his mind, he felt that this was a bit wrong. Although Warren was only sixteen years old in this life, he must have been an adult in his previous life.

When Jiang Shining left in various worlds, the youngest children should be 17-year-old Jing Xuan and two daughters. Think about it carefully, Warren may have been bigger than Jing Xuan in his previous life.

Why leave the best room duck for Warren!

If we talk about staying in a room, it can be said that leaving the last child in the most remote place is not good to explain, and then the daily life afterwards makes them extremely uncomfortable. Because a few of them are all grown-ups, it is certainly impossible for an adult man to be too close to his mother, which would be too shameful. Jiang Shining also barely hugged them except the first side, and did not touch them, so she touched her hair to the sky.

Because she is not biased towards anyone, everyone thinks it's okay and fair.

As a result, Warren directly broke this balance when he came.

He looked like a little-spoken adolescent boy with a little coldness. According to common sense, this kind of person should be the kind of teenager who ignores anyone, rebellious in Secondary Two, and quarrels with his family and ran out. But the fact is the opposite-this looks like a rebellious boy in a youth idol drama, but he is actually very clingy!

Jiang Shining was working in the study, and Warren was holding the door to go in and stay. Jiang Shining wanted to go out to work, and Valen asked her eagerly if she could bring herself with her. What Jiang Shining is doing, he wants to follow.

This made other moths look unpleasant to him-obviously they are all grown-ups, how could they be so bad? ?

They originally wanted Jing Yuan to express some protests on behalf of everyone, because Chen Tanliang and Jing Xuan were both good boys, and Qiao Huaize was thin-skinned, and they didn't know how to express themselves. Only Jing Yuan would do this thing best.

As a result, he did not expect that Chu Jingyuan changed his strategy and even pretended to be a good person!

I can't live this day...

In fact, for Warren, the feeling after reuniting with Jiang Shining was pretty good.

Jiang Shining let him take a good bath and then put on new clothes. Except that Wallen's cheeks still look thin and fleshless, and people rely on clothes and horses and saddles, Wallen was originally beautiful and beautiful. This time, he looks clean and looks like a spirited noble little prince.

The little prince's eyes are always too wild, um...maybe you have to raise him again to relax him completely.

In fact, the brothers are dissatisfied, not only because he always adheres to Jiang Shining, but more importantly, Guoguo likes Valen very much. On the second day Valen returned home, Guoguo asked him to watch "The Walking Dead" with the two of them.

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