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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 125:

Jiang Shining had a very fulfilling life today, and she watched Ninglu happily once again felt a wave of existence.

Although, I don't understand why I am always on the hot search. Is it because my job identity makes the teenage netizens really like it?

Jiang Shining didn't take those ridicules on the Internet seriously. Nowadays, entertainment is the most important thing. Of course, it's how netizens come.

However, it seems that Lin Qingqing is still a little serious. She obviously knew about Feng Fuman and Jiang Shining's relationship six months ago. Unexpectedly, after six months, Lin Qingqing cried and called her again.

"I'm still not your favorite little sister?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Then I am still not the sister of Ninglu Media?"

"This...you decide on your own." Jiang Shining learned a lesson from raising so many children. She had better not participate in this kind of first sister or eldest son dispute.

"Oh, hum!" Lin Qingqing said angrily, "President, I want the endorsement of an international brand, and I also want to prove that I have an international reputation..."

Jiang Shining:...

Is this really taking their overbearing presidents who fall in love with female stars and other overlords seriously? Just open your mouth, why not go to heaven.

"Qingqing, those endorsements are Feng Fuman's own resources, and they have nothing to do with our Ninglu Media." Jiang Shining explained patiently, "Did you forget that she was here to help the poor? Me? You can also give you some national endorsements. Hey, yes, how about having a milk endorsement for you, your image must be particularly suitable."

"Huh!" Lin Qingqing snorted fiercely, and then hung up the phone.

At that moment, Jiang Shining seemed to experience the feeling of a rich man raising a star.

Hey, my heart is so tired.

The announcement of Feng Fuman's signing was to create momentum for her next film. Feng Fuman will participate in a movie of the Republic of China, playing the story of the life of a popular actress on the beach. Jiang Shining has read the script. The actress started as a young actor who danced with the singer, and finally became the current actress. The beaches and even the sensational actresses throughout the country.

After a few years of prosperity, destiny began to wield the sickle again. The actress was emotionally frustrated and deceived, and fell into the trap of others. Finally, with the country's turmoil, she was left behind, and the old man passed away with nothing to support.

A very good script. Although the focus is only on one person, it is well set up and difficult. Feng Fuman may be the most suitable person to participate in this movie.

Although this film does not belong to Ninglu Media, Ninglu is the biggest investor. If the box office is strong, it is also a good thing for condensation.

Feng Fuman's agent and team were perfect enough that Jiang Shining, as the big boss, didn't care about anything, but Feng Fuman called her.

"There is a character in this play as a progressive female student, I think it is very suitable for Lin Qingqing."

"Tell her personally, she will be very happy." Jiang Shining encouraged.

Not only does she have to match her sons' feelings for better, she also has to match her little sisters. It's hard to be a human being.

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