143 (1)

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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 143: (1)

Mu Chi was beaten, so although the whipping was painful, it didn't make him lose consciousness. As a result, he was branded with an iron block, and he fainted immediately.

It took him two days to wake up faintly, opening his eyes and looking into the familiar house.

He lay there blankly for a while, his whole body hurts, and his chest hurts even more. Mu Chi was dull for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and in spite of the physical pain, he bowed his head and pulled off his front breasts. There was white plaster and bandages on his chest. Mu Chi opened the bandage, and sure enough, a Jiang character was on his chest, exuding a black and red color.

Not knowing what happened, Mu Chi's heart jumped for joy, as if there was some connection between him and Jiang Shining.

He was in a daze when another fellow Shadow Guard came in, and when he saw his appearance, he suddenly frowned.

"Much, you are a waste of ointment, that is a good ointment given by the empress."

Muchi let the man put a bandage on him. He saw that the other party raised his head and his arms were a little inconvenient, and he suddenly realized something.

"You also…?"

"All the shadow guards in the inner courtyard have been given." The shadow guard said, "I feel at ease now. Mr. Wu Yin is afraid of being driven away. Where can I find such a good master?"

Mu Chi became a little frustrated, for a moment he thought he was unique. But calm down and think about it again. Jiang Shining does things delicately. It is safest for her to give seals to everyone. If only one is given to him, it seems too deliberate.

Mu Chi vaguely realized that he was causing trouble for Concubine Xiao again. Although this incident was a natural disaster for him, he still felt a little guilty. He would go to class with Yinghong the next afternoon to see Jiang Shining. .

Yinghong watched him hesitate to speak, but finally helped him.

Mu Chi and Ying Hong went into the house alternately to hide. He saw Jiang Shining standing at the table practicing calligraphy, and no one else was around. He pursed the corner of his mouth, then appeared in front of her.

As soon as Jiang Shining raised her head, she saw a familiar black figure kneeling in front of her, Jiang Shining's temple was aching slightly.

"Get up and talk."

Mu Chi stood up, and he felt Jiang Shining's eyes slide down his face to his chest, where the mark was. Not knowing why, Mu Chi was a little bit ashamed. But soon the throbbing disappeared, because he felt Jiang Shining frown, as if seeing something annoying.

He suddenly remembered Yinghong and said that she didn't like giving seals.

Mu Chi's heart sank to the bottom. Before he could admit his mistake, Jiang Shining said coldly, "Why did you go back to the Shadow Guard Pavilion without authorization?"

Jiang Shining had never spoken to him in such a cold tone, and Mu Chi lowered his head and was speechless.

"... Subordinates, they are afraid of causing trouble to the Niang Niang, so they want to ask if they can be transferred elsewhere..." Mu Chi whispered.

He really couldn't tell his sincerity. If you like it, you will be disgusted.

"Naughty!" The brush in Jiang Shining's hand was thrown onto the rice paper, and the originally well-written "Quiet Quiet" was destroyed by ink.

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