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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 56:

The next morning, when Jiang Shining saw all kinds of fan art and fan pictures that grew up like spring grass overnight, her face turned black.

Why are netizens so keen to write about her fan?

After a while, Lin Qingqing called her, cautiously to please her, "Ning Ning, I didn't expect... Yes, someone would do this. Should it be okay?"

Jiang Shining sighed softly. Lin Qingqing was nervous when she heard her luck on the other side of the phone. Then, she heard Jiang Shining say, "If this is the case, then you are ready to prepare."

"What are you going to prepare?" Lin Qingqing was a little confused.

"Follow me to the star gathering night." Jiang Shining said, "Since there are all the hot spots and the facts exist, then just take advantage of this heat."

Moreover, both of them are women, and some of the comrades uploaded on the Internet are also the kind of positive ridicule, which is much better than that of men and women. For Jiang Shining, she sees all this very simply, whether it is herself or any artist, as long as it is shown to the public, it is a commodity. She herself is no exception. Since everyone likes it, she must maximize the benefits.

Lin Qingqing admired it very much after listening, "You are really a werewolf, even your own enthusiasm."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Shining went downstairs and saw the two brothers Jing Xuan and Jing Yuan sitting in front of the sofa watching TV. Jing Xuan saw her coming down, and said with emotion, "You are really a person with your own hot spot. You can get hot when you just like it. It's amazing."

Being able to be noticed inexplicably, with its own enthusiasm, is also a kind of strength.

He couldn't help thinking that if Jiang Shi condenses into the entertainment circle, it will be a big hit.

"What's the matter?" Compared to Jing Xuan, Jing Yuan didn't pay much attention to things on the Internet.

Jing Xuan explained to him, Jing Yuan looked incomprehensible.

"These netizens are too idle."

"This is the age of entertainment." Jiang Shining shrugged.

A week later, it was the night of star gatherings. Jiang Shining asked Lin Qingqing to come to the company and her stylist would order Lin Qingqing the dress to wear when attending the party.

Generally speaking, the big boss doesn't care about what the celebrities wear. However, the atmosphere of Ninglu Media seems to be harmonious. Jiang Shining came to supervise it personally, as if he was testing the designer.

Although this matter was decided on an ad hoc basis, the styling designer is very experienced, and the several planned dresses for Jiang Shining are of the kind that can't go wrong. Anyway, Lin Qingqing looks good, and the sack is also a uniform temptation.

Jiang Shining seemed to deny it. Although these dresses are common styles, you can't go wrong, but they are also too common.

"Get her a white one, like a fairy." Jiang Shining said to the designer, "I want to have a feeling of echoing with the characters in Lin Qingqing's movies."

The designer understood, and immediately went back and started looking for a suitable dress.

Lin Qingqing was like an onlooker, sitting by and watching the excitement.

"By the way, Ning Ning, what kind of dress are you going to wear?"

"Me?" Jiang Shining flipped through the album, "I can wear whatever I want. I'm not an actor anyway."

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