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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 121:

As expected, Valen was still the little glass heart of his previous life. Jiang Shining patiently coaxed him for a long time before he believed that his mother would not hate him because of having many children. He hummed for a long time, and finally went to bed with peace of mind.

After Jiang Shining returned to her room, she was actually quite helpless. She really felt that it was not easy for her children to be willing to get along with each other. The gap between them is not only different in their growth background, but also in the worldview. Similarly, it is difficult for them to make such a difference.

When she went to bed at night, Jiang Shining was still thinking about this, but in a dream, she returned to the Chuanshu Administration Bureau again.

Familiar scenes, the towering book wall with no apex, a room of nothingness combining science fiction and study. The robots are busy like little bees. They all look the same, but Jiang Shining knows which one is responsible for connecting with it. Sure enough, the robot flew towards her.

"Ms. Jiang Shining, long time no see." It said, "Are you here to use your points for shopping this time?"

Jiang Shining sighed, and she told the robot about her current troubles.

The robot thought for a while and said, "Actually, this is very easy."

"How to say?"

"I can insert other people's pasts while they are sleeping, and use this method to let them understand each other." The robot said, "If they can see each other's past experiences, maybe they will be able to deepen their understanding and reach a reconciliation. ."

It can be considered as a way to try.

If they are allowed to understand each other's background, they may be able to accept each other more easily.

"How many points do you want to redeem?" Jiang Shining asked.

"Thirty thousand points." The robot said politely.

"Thirty thousand? Why don't you grab the money?" Jiang Shining couldn't believe what she heard.

"You have too many children, and this action is not as simple as it sounds." The robot still explained dutifully.

Jiang Shining naturally refused. She put her hands around her chest and raised her eyebrows, "Didn't you say that you are an institution of conscience, care of the elderly and after-sales service? You just throw the child to me and you don't care? Just give it to me. Pension?"

"So... what do you want?" the robot asked weakly.

Jiang Shining stretched out her finger.

"Five thousand points, no more!"

"You are a robber's behavior." The robot's voice trembled, "Absolutely not..."

Jiang Shining smiled sternly.

"You are right. Actually, I shouldn't even pay a single point for this matter." She said sternly, "As you said before, my children have become the protagonist. Have you ever thought about it so much? If the protagonists gather in a world, will it have a huge impact on this world? If there is always a gap between them and they don’t get along well, how much impact do you think it will have on this world?"

"This..." the robot murmured, "Aren't you still there?"

"I'm likely to be so angry that they will be killed on the spot tomorrow." Jiang Shining said seriously, "So think about it, if so many protagonists don't get along well and eventually become black, I see how you can save the world. ."

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