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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 133:

Feeling Chu Jingyuan's anger through his mobile phone, Zhang Qingning repeatedly did self-construction, telling himself that it is no longer ancient, and then he barely calmed down.

"Boss, this...I don't know this." Zhang Qingning said helplessly, "You also know something like a shadow guard, who cares about them? I only know that Mu Chi came out of the Niang Niang Mansion in the first place. I won everyone and took the top spot among the shadow guards. The others...I don't know anymore."

Chu Jingyuan was a little upset at once. He didn't care about any Shadow Guard Pavilion at all back then. Because Shadow Guard is critical to the safety of all palace nobles, the review and training are extremely strict, and the regulations are extremely demanding, even if the director of Shadow Guard Pavilion is actually just a vacant position. It's like a clerical job. The entire shadow guard system does not allow any real power and must be supervised by a higher level.

This system has been established and functioning since the emperor before Chu Jingyuan and Xiu Lingfei, and it is very perfect, so Chu Jingyuan has never cared about these people like shadows.

Now he felt annoyed--how he thought he felt that this man named Mu Chi was tricky.

If he was loyal to protect the Lord, then why did he leave from Jiang Shining's house in the first place? If he is ambitious, but Jiang Shining will not die, he will also commit suicide, right?

The most important thing is that Jiang Shining never said a word to Jing Yuan about this person.

The shadow guard in the palace is loyal to the emperor, not the people around him. So if Mu Chi only came out of Jiang Shining's palace, there was no need to do so. He didn't believe that if there was no connection between the two, Mu Chi could commit suicide in vain.

It’s nothing more than committing suicide by Bai Bai. This **** is reincarnated. This Muchi didn’t rush to live his new life like Zhang Qingning. He also appeared in the same community as them, and even raised cats and had a relationship with him. Jing Yuan suddenly felt that this person was uneasy and kind, or that something was in his heart.

At night, Jing Yuan went to Jing Xuan to talk about this matter, Jing Xuan was also a little surprised.

"Is it the shadow guard of that incident?"

Jing Yuan nodded.

Back then, there was a concubine Gu concubine, and his father and elder brother were both generals of the dynasty. One year the front line was tight, and this made great contributions to the generals and their sons. The former Ronghou Palace enjoyed, Chu Hao Li naturally treated Concubine Gu very well. But Jiang Shining and the concubine Gu at the time were rivals. Concubine Gu wanted to get it back from her because of her collapse twice and three times before.

Concubine Gu conspired for a long time to frame Jiang Shining, saying that she wanted to kill herself because of jealousy, and that she had prepared the stolen goods and everything, so she asked Chu Hao to execute Jiang Shining severely. However, Jiang Shining had a hand, and at least proved that the poisoning had nothing to do with him. Concubine Gu then bit out the mystery in what Jiang Shining had given her before, just to make her make a fool of herself in front of everyone, and asked Chu Hao to kill Jiang Shining.

Chu Haoli knew in his heart that it was Concubine Gu's frame, but he couldn't say anything. Who made her brother and her father work **** the front line. He eclectically asked Jiang Shining to apologize to Concubine Gu. Jiang Shining refused, absolutely not admitting that this matter had something to do with him.

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