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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 42:

"Hello, what are you looking at?"

The two girls were watching the video quietly and excitedly with a headset on, when they heard a deep magnetic voice behind them.

They turned their heads—oh my god, they were handsome men with extraordinary craftsmanship.

The girl from Amway said embarrassedly, "Yes, I'm sorry, did it bother you? Let's speak quietly..."

The man shook his head.

"What are you looking at, who is Jiang Shining?"

The girl was taken aback, and looked at this handsome guy as a straight man. Is she also interested in Xiaoxianrou?

"Oh, yes, this is..."

But since it was the handsome guy's question, the two immediately explained it enthusiastically. Originally, they wanted Chen Tanliang to search by themselves, but they were not allowed to surf the Internet on the plane, so the girl with the iPad adjusted the progress bar.

"Look, she is Jiang Shining, the president of an entertainment company. Ninglu Media is now cultivating artists while investing in self-produced variety shows and movies, etc..." As a daughter-in-law, the girl still fulfills her responsibility Amway. She couldn't do anything to let this handsome guy who looks a little serious go to the idol draft, and said, "We are going to release a movie next, if you are interested, you can pay attention to it..."

Chen Tanliang didn't seem to hear the girl's voice anymore, his eyes were fixed on the screen. On the paused video, I stayed in the guest seat. A young but extraordinary female boss wears a black dress. Even in the live video recording, her skin and appearance are impeccable. The most important thing is that calmness and quietness in her is completely unlike a young woman in her twenties.

Chen Tanliang slowly leaned back to his seat. He was only sensitive to women surnamed Jiang, but now, his heart is beating like a drum. Her looks still echoed in her mind.

Although this female president looks more beautiful and dazzling, but she has the feeling...too much like Jiang Yiru.

Chen Tanliang's eyelashes moved slightly, his chest rising and falling.

But how is it possible?

Did she... also reincarnated? Is there such a coincidence?

Feeling the abnormality of Chen Tanliang, Chen Ruozhi closed the book and looked sideways at him.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Chen Tanliang opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Even he himself couldn't believe that speculation, and now he couldn't inquire about it, and it didn't make sense to tell Chen Ruozhi, only one more person would suffer on the plane.

...Furthermore, if it were not what he had guessed, he would prefer to bear this kind of disappointment by himself.

"It's okay, look."

Chen Ruozhi was slightly startled, and after only a few minutes, Chen Tanliang's voice sounded a little hoarse.

She thought it might have something to do with what Chen Tanliang asked about in the front seat, so she comforted, "I know you have always paid attention to women surnamed Jiang, but... Tan Liang, I understand your feelings, but you have to let you go appropriately. Own…"

Since the death of Jiang Yiru in his previous life, Chen Tanliang seems to be twisted in his heart until now.

He can't get along with himself.

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