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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 37:

After returning from vacation, Jing Xuan also started to get busy.

It's almost the end of the year. There are many different meetings he will attend, and sometimes he needs to fly to other places to talk about some work.

After all, the current Ninglu Media can be ranked at most ten or so among entertainment companies, and Jingxuan’s Xuanyuan Video is the third place on the video site. It can be said that Xuanyuan and the other two video sites are the most popular video apps on people's mobile phones and computers.

Moreover, the traffic of Xuanyuan Video has risen sharply this year, almost overshadowing the momentum of the second video website. With such a large resource platform, in addition to attending conferences, Jingxuan will also be drawn to drink because of people in various circles, in fact, for the purpose of negotiating business.

The five online dramas and three online variety shows that are about to be screened are all talking about platforms. The online drama party naturally communicates with the top five video sites to see if they can choose the right platform.

Because each company gives different exposure. The best part of the homepage of video websites and apps is naturally the most exposed, as well as the small tips of the column, plus the position of the paging, etc... even if it is a distance of a thumb on the mobile phone, the exposure that can be obtained It's all different.

Jiang Shining's variety shows have exploded. In addition to the high quality, a large part of the reason is because Xuanyuan Video has been pushing it with the best homepage position, not to mention the various advertisements.

Jing Xuan was dragged by industry insiders to various banquets, just because he hoped that he would give him a good position in the variety show/web drama in terms of favors. Or hope that he will only promote his own variety shows this season.

He is the most annoying of this kind of thing, but there is no way for human relations, even if you don't cooperate, you can't help but give face to these people.

On this day, Chu Jingxuan had to go socializing just after the meeting in Q City. The boss of the other party parked the driver and the car directly downstairs where he had a meeting, and the driver drove him to the best hotel in the local area-magnificent.

As the name suggests, this hotel is full of magnificent looks. When Jing Xuan walked in, the manager's secretary waited to pick him up by the gate.

"Good evening, Mr. Wang, our private room is upstairs, come with me." The secretary smiled while leading the way, "Our boss and several other bosses have been waiting for you. Mr. Wang has been very busy recently?"

Jing Xuan responded politely and distantly.

I made an elevator and went upstairs. The entire corridor was covered with a long corridor blanket with red gold edges. When I walked to one of the rooms, the secretary knocked on the door and pushed it away.

Inside is a huge round table with six or seven men and two women sitting. Jing Xuan probably knows these people, some of them are company bosses who specialize in making online dramas, and others are related to them.

Jing Xuan also knew these two women. One of them is called Bai Xi, who is a second-line actress in online dramas, who occasionally runs arrogantly in movies and TV shows. This time, she is the female number one in the online drama that the other party wants to talk about. The other is a newcomer. He has just entered the industry and went to college in the acting school. He probably hasn't graduated this year. It is the third female in this play.

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