[S2E04] Professor Oak's Summer Camp

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*Generic Morning Show theme plays*

Phyco appeared in front of the fourth wall, looking straight at the reader. He sat down on a huge white chair, and then cleared his throat.

"Greetings! Welcome to facts by Phyco!" Phyco said, with his eyes twinkling. "Today, my co-host is this little genius!" He added, looking to his side as Zenith walked up and got seated on another chair next to Phyco.

Zenith cleared his throat, and looked at the screen of a tablet he was holding.

"So, what questions are we taking today, little Zenith?" Phyco asked Zenith.

"I got this reader's question that intrigued me a lot." Zenith said, tapping on the screen for a bit and then showing it to Phyco.

"Okay... Hmm..." Phyco said, reading the message. "A reader wants to know why Anna has a Cosmic-typing even though nobody else in Ash or Serena's bloodline has it."

Zenith pulled back the tablet and put it away. "It really is a thought provoking question, isn't it?" He thought with his hand under his chin. "I inherited the Fire-type from mother's side, and my Psychic-type was just a recessive gene from Father's side."

"Indeed. Mr. Ketchum also has the Dragon typing as a recessive gene, along with a number of others." Phyco added. "However, the question is about Anna's Cosmic-Type which seems to be absent from the bloodline."

"Yeah, that is strange..."

"Do you know why Anna has a Cosmic-Type, then?" Phyco questioned Zenith.

"That's a negative." Zenith replied. "Do you know the answer?"

"Yes, I do." Phyco replied. "The answer... is you."

"Me?" Zenith asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't follow."

"In your Mother's womb, you were the first to gain a typing in your aura... the Fire Typing." Phyco said. "The Fire type is highly destructive. Especially in cases of twins. There are cases where the other twin ends up being miscarried because it cannot handle the destructive aura from the Fire-Type twin. If the mother is weak to the Fire type, her life tends to be in danger as well most of the time."

"Whoa." Zenith said. "Nature sure is cruel." He added. "So where does the Cosmic-Type come in?"

"The other twin... in this case Anna... has two choices: Either die, or respond to the destructive Fire Type aura and transform into something that can resist it. Anna's Aura chose the latter, and transformed into Cosmic-type; a typing that is immune to Fire."

"Ah!" Zenith said, taken aback a bit. "That really does make sense!" He added. "So you're saying that the Aura of a child can also be decided on external factors?"

"Indeed." Phyco responded. "The concept is similar to how an Eevee evolves in response to external factors." He added. "This is part of an ongoing research on the subject matter on Auraini Prime. There is still a lot more to learn."

"Interesting." Zenith pondered. "Nature sure is amazing!" He added with sparkles around his twinkling blue eyes.

Phyco looked back at the 4th wall. "I hope that answers your question!" He added, before turning towards Zenith. "I think we have time for one more question."

Zenith scrolled on his tablet. "Here's an interesting question by Anonymous from 4chan." He said. "Anon would like to know what Gardevoir feet smell like."

Phyco sat still for a moment, processing the question. "Ah! Well unfortunately we've run out of time today. See you all next time on the next episode of Facts by Phyco! Goodbye!"

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