The Beginning of a new Adventure!

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[Hoenn Region, 8PM, Petalburg City Pokemon Center]

Writer's POV

Ash was able to rescue Serena from the Team Rocket Labs without any injuries to her or her pokemon... except Braixen which seemed to be exhausted of energy completely. Eventually, The now reunited Group managed to find a pokemon center in the vicinity and quickly rushed towards it...

"There! i see it!" Ash said as they all rushed towards the Petalburg City Pokemon center to have Braixen recovered.

"There! i see it!" Ash said as they all rushed towards the Petalburg City Pokemon center to have Braixen recovered

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"Yeah, come on Big Brother, Hurry!" Bonnie exclaimed as Clemont was running slow as usual and being left behind.

Eventually, they all reached the Pokemon center. Greninja was still carrying Braixen in his arms as he sprinted towards the counter located in the middle of the Pokemon Center. Nurse joy quickly came to the counter to see which trainer had brought their Pokemon to her.

"Nurse Joy! Please help! My Braixen isn't feeling well!" Serena exclaimed as she caught her breath and asked Nurse Joy to help.

"Oh Dear! Your Braixen is in very bad shape! I need to take her immediately! Chansey! Hurry" Nurse Joy said after taking a look at Braixen. Nurse Joy placed Braixen on the stretcher her assistant Chansey had brought and took Braixen into the emergency room in a hurry.

Ash stood at the counter along with Serena while Clemont and Bonnie were waiting in the seats. Serena looked extremely worried about Braixen and felt guilty of not being able to help her pokemon in the time of need.

"Hey, Serena. Don't worry..  It'll be all right!" Ash said to Serena trying to cheer her up and focus on something else for a while. Serena nodded as she looked at Ash and cleared her thoughts. Then the pair went towards the chairs so they could wait for Braixen to be treated.

"So, Serena. How's the Pokemon contests going? How far have you gone?"  Ash asked Serena about her Pokemon contest progress so far. The only reason Serena came to the Hoenn Region was that so she could participate in the Pokemon Contests. This question caused Serena's face go white and eyes opened wide as if she just remembered something important.

 This question caused Serena's face go white and eyes opened wide as if she just remembered something important

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