Alola to past Adventures!

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[The Alola Region, Professor Kukui's Place. 5AM]

Writer's POV

Narrator: "Our Hero Ash had trouble sleeping last night after his strange incident. He had a feeling that Island Kahuna Hala could help shed some light on this situation as he was an older and wiser person than Ash himself was"

The weather looked clear as always. So Ash got up from bed and got ready without telling anyone at all. Before He left, he placed a small note on Professor Kukui's coffee table that read: "I'm off to Hala's place. will be back soon"

"I probably should leave pikachu asleep too. he doesn't look like he'd be ready to wake up so early in the morning." Ash said to himself as he picked up his backpack and opened the main door of the house, while looking at his sleeping yellow buddy Pikachu.

" Ash said to himself as he picked up his backpack and opened the main door of the house, while looking at his sleeping yellow buddy Pikachu

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Ash knew that Kahuna Hala was a morning person and probably must be meditating or something this early in the morning. So he wasn't hesitant at all.

The sky was clear that day and the morning breeze helped ash relax as he took deep breaths on his way alone to Hala's place. The soft streaks of light emerging from the horizon added to the beauty of the Island. 

Just a few minutes later, Ash heard a noise come from a tree making him feel as if someone or something was spying on him.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Ash yelled towards the forest thinking someone would emerge. Suddenly, some bushes moved, but it was actually just a Rattata looking for berries in there.

"Oh. I must be getting paranoid. I do feel much safer with Pikachu around... Anyways, i should continue" Ash said to himself, looking at the small Rattata. He then continued on his way.

Suddenly out of the forest, three team skull grunts emerged and stood in Ash's way."Look! it's that same brat!" One of the grunts exclaimed. "And he doesn't have that electric rat with him this time!" The other grunt pointed out as he noticed Ash was not with his Pikachu at that moment.

"You're going to pay for what you did to us last time, punk!" the first grunt said, implying they were the same grunts Ash met days ago when he was doing deliveries with Kiawe.

"What do i do? i haven't brought Pikachu or Rowlet with me. This is bad!" Ash said to himself realizing that he was going to be beaten badly by the Team Skull grunts.

"Go garbodor! Make him pay for what he did to us!" one of the grunts exclaimed as he chose a Pokemon so he could teach Ash a 'lesson'. The Garbador quickly approached Ash, and was about to attack him.

Before the Grunt's Garbodor could reach ash, A loud voice get's heard.


It was Rowlet, and he launched Garbodor in the air with a firm tackle attack as he swooped in from the forest trees and struck the Pokemon about to attack his trainer. Garbador landed on the the grunts, making them fall on the ground.

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