Hawlucha's Time to Shine!

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[Indigo League journey day 3, Cerulean City, P1 Championship stadium. 7PM]

Writer's POV

After Ash was once again left unfit after trying to use his powers, he was out cold and on a bed. Right before he could be declared a quitter and Gary winning the final round, Serena stepped in, disguised as Ash with Hawlucha by her side in the final Battle for the P1 Grand Prix title against Ash's long time rival: Gary Oak.


"Machamp! use Low-kick! No mercy!" Gary yelled as he ordered his fighter Pokemon to execute the first attack. Machamp quickly ran towards Hawlucha and performed a Low-kick which hit Hawlucha at the spot and knocked him off his feet.

(In Thoughts) "I don't even know what to do right now. That Machamp is well trained to say the least." Serena said to herself as she witnessed the enormous power of Machamp.

"Lucha Lucha!" (We can do this!) Hawlucha said to Serena as he got up after taking a hit. "Right, Hawlucha use Karate Chop!" Serena said as she ordered an attack by the fighter. Hawlucha used his wings as he went airborne, and then used his right arm straight on Machamp's head as he executed Karate Chop. Machamp took that well-placed hit on his head and was feeling dizzy as he went down on his knees.

"Get up you useless pile of muscle!" Gary yelled in anger as he saw Machamp struggling to stand up straight.

"Okay Hawlucha let's finish this! use High Jump Kick!" Serena exclaimed as she ordered the fighting type Pokemon. Hawlucha jumped up using his wings as he gained altitude, and then swept in for his High Jump Kick, aimed directly towards Machamp's chest. But right before Hawlucha made contact with his powerful move, Machamp grabbed his foot at the precise moment! 

"Good, Machamp! use Seismic Toss!" Gary exclaimed as he ordered his Pokemon to execute the extremely lethal move on Hawlucha. Machamp spun around, with Hawlucha in his hands and then proceeded to jump up and smash Hawlucha down on the stiff ground.

"Oh no!" Serena yelled as she witnessed Hawlucha plummeted to the ground and not move at all. It looked like he was unable to battle anymore.

Announcer: "This might just be the end! The referee is checking if Hawlucha is able to continue or not! Things don't look good for Hawlucha to say the least!"

Hawlucha was laying on the ground after taking that powerful Seismic Toss. The referee was about to name Gary and his Machamp the winner, when suddenly, Hawlucha moved at the very last second!

"Lucha!" Hawlucha exclaimed as he got up. His body had taken a lot of damage, but that was the way Hawlucha loved to battle and get stronger attacks. "Lucha Lucha!" (Never give up!) Hawlucha exclaimed, looking at a worried Serena. Serena quickly lit up after seeing Hawlucha's enthusiasm.

"Right! Never give up until the very end! Hawlucha! X-Scissor!" Serena exclaimed as she ordered an attack from the flying fighter. "What?" Gary said as he saw Hawlucha suddenly stand up and come in for an attack. He didn't expect Hawlucha to get up at all.

Hawlucha's X-scissor hit an unsuspecting Machamp right where it hurt the most. "Karate Chop! Keep up the Pressure!" Serena said as she ordered Hawlucha to add another move. Hawlucha proceeded and once again used Karate Chop on Machamp's head, but this time it was an even more strong attack, causing Machamp to once more lose his balance as he started getting dizzy.

"Let's finish this for real now! Hawlucha! Flying Press!" Serena exclaimed as Hawlucha used the turnbuckle ropes to launch himself up in the air as he did his signature pose with his wings wide open. 

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