The Untapped Power Within

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[Indigo league Journey Day 2, Viridian forest, Kanto Region. 6AM ]

Writer's POV

It looked like an early morning like every other day as the Sun was rising from the horizon as everything lit up by it's rays, but something was special today. It was Serena's Birthday that day. Ash woke up early in the morning before Serena so he could surprise her with a small birthday party. Instead of a huge gathering, Ash wanted to share this moment between him, Serena and both of their Pokemon. He managed to sneakily take Serena's Pokeballs and release her Pokemon so they could help him in the process of making the best possible celebration for his special Girl. Ash was managing everything and giving different tasks to the Pokemon. 

"Okay, Delphox and Greninja, you guys are in charge of the decorations! Pancham, Sylveon and Bayleef, i want you guys to handle getting some delicious berries from around here! Charizard and Pikachu, I want you guys to get the cake from Viridian City" Ash said as he assigned different tasks to the Pokemon. After everyone was on their duty that Ash had assigned to them, He proceeded to check the Birthday present he had in his bag for Serena. He opened the bag and then the gift, to double-check if his Mom had packed it right. The gift was supposed to be a beautiful dress that Ash saw Serena eyeing when they first reached in the Kanto region. Before leaving for Professor Oak's lab back in Pallet town, Ash asked his Mom to go to that shop and get that dress so he could give it to Serena as a present for her upcoming Birthday. It was an extremely beautiful dress with Ash's 'trademark' blue ribbons all around it. Ash could definitely see Serena wear that outfit on her upcoming Veteran Class Pokemon Showcase. 

Well, It was supposed to be that one dress, but instead, his Mom had intentionally bought a seriously disturbing thing as a present: A bathing suit with a note attached: "I know you guys are together, even though you're both hiding it. So it's better for you to buy the gift yourself, unless you're already intimate with her, then this'll do just fine, my Pokemon Master! I've made the note on the outer side of the wrapping right for the occasion! I wonder what nickname i'll give to my first grandchild. Oh, I feel old already! Your Dad would be so proud! Love, Mom!" Ash's eyes popped open wide as he saw the inappropriate present and read the equally inappropriate stuff his Mom had written in the note. 

"I hope the other note is less disturbing" Ash said to himself as he looked around the box and found the other note his Mom mentioned."At least this one is a bit appropriate than the other one" Ash said as He read the other note that was on the packaging of the supposed 'dress' and sighed. "Forget it, I can't give such a perverted gift to Serena. At least not the very first day we become a couple" Ash said to himself as he looked away from the 'present' he had in his hands with an embarrassed look on his face. On a small rock, Ash spotted the jacket and glasses he previously bought in Viridian City. "Idea! I can go get a present for Serena myself!" Ash said with a 'lightbulb' moment as he picked up the disguised clothing and wore it. "Greninja! I'll be back soon! make sure you get everything done on time!" Ash said as he left the camp quickly, with the same jacket, glasses and hat, and proceeded towards Viridian City.    

[Meanwhile, a bit away from Ash]

Meowth was looking around with his binoculars as he scouted the area from a bush. Jessie and James had just woken up and were not even in the mood to go after their obsession of catching Pikachu. "Look over here, it's the twerp! And looks like he's all alone this time" Meowth says in a casual tone to Jessie and James as he spots Ash. "Where?" Jessie and James say as they quickly pull out their own binoculars and started looking for Ash. "I see him. Looks like he's in a hurry" Jessie said as she spotted Ash rushing as he made his way through the area. "Shouldn't we focus on catching other Pokemon so we can use them for battling?" James said since they didn't have any additional Pokemon to battle with at that moment. "Shut up and keep your eyes on the prize, Jimmy" Meowth replied to James. 

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