The Thunder Of A Brand New Rivalry!

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Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

This chapter took forever,

pls don't kill me. ;_;


[Over at Ash and the rest. Near Rota.] 

Narrator: "As Serena continues her day-to-day activities in the Kalos region, Ash continues on his way up north in Kanto along with Brock, Bonnie, Mars, and Riley. Ash is on his way to Cameran Palace: His home away from home." 

Everyone was in Riley's car, and continued moving forwards as they made their way to Rota. Mars was driving, while Riley sat in the passenger seat. Ash and Brock sat in the backseat, with Bonnie sitting in between the two. Pikachu sat on Ash's lap, and looked around silently. Dedenne and Squishy were inside Bonnie's yellow bag.

Ash looked outside at the surrounding area through the car's window, as he saw the tree of beginning appear as a tiny dot in the far distance.

"Look! The Tree of Beginning! I see it!" Ash said, pointing at the ancient rock formation. "Pi--ka!" Pikachu said in his cheerful manner, looking at the tree.

"Yea! I see it too!" Brock said, as he leaned a bit and spotted the Tree as well.

"Where? I wanna see it too!" Bonnie said, as she quickly leaned over Ash in order to look through the same window Ash was looking from.

"Wow---" Bonnie said, as she looked at the Tree.

"We're getting close. Not long before we reach home" Riley said to Ash, looking back at him.

"Yeah! I can hardly wait" Ash replied as he concealed his impatience, looking at Riley.

Mars looked at Riley. "It feels as if I'm going to my Boyfriend's house to meet his family members for the first time." She said in a teasing manner.

"Would you cut it out?!" Riley said in an embarrassed manner as his cheeks lit up. "Don't say such stuff in front of Ilene! If she thinks there's something going on between us, she might even go as far as having our wedding planned! She's been bugging me about getting together with someone for quite a while now!" He added, before looking away at the window.

"So--- you think there's nothing going on between us?" Mars asked, raising both her eyebrows.

"Uh--- Yes! We're nothing more than temporary coworkers." Riley replied, not making any eye contact with Mars. 

"Oh--- I really wish there was something between us" Mars said, as she took a sigh.

"Yeah, me too" Riley said instantly.

"Really? Like what?" Mars asked, as her eyes widened a bit while looking at Riley.

"A wall" Riley replied in all seriousness as he looked into Mars' lava red eyes.

"Ugh--- Just--- UGH!" Mars said in an irritated manner, as she focused her eyes back on the road.

Brock was biting through his shirt. "Riley! Don't you know how Mars feels about you?!" He said. "You're an idiot to keep rejecting her advances like that! Do you have any idea about the things I'd give to have someone feel like that about ME?!" He added, tear-dropping.

"Why don't you even pretend to like me a tiny bit? It won't kill you, Riley" Mars said, looking at Riley.

"Just--- focus on the road, Mars. Don't get us killed." Riley said to Mars, looking straight at the muddy road.

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