[S2E12] Trial By Fire

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Around 50 years ago. The South, Ultra Megalopolis. Auraini Prime.

Among the dark streets of the battered south populated by ruins of abandoned homes and buildings half demolished, the small building of a Church stood tall.

Inside the Church, many children lived their lives under the management of a single lone woman - a nun. The children called her 'Mother Diana', as she took care of all of the abandoned or orphaned children just as a mother would.

The children followed a strict schedule that was laid out by Mother Diana - breakfast at 6 in the morning, followed by schooling till lunch at 1 pm. Then came play time where the kids would play various sports or games on the empty streets under Mother Diana's protective watch, followed by TV time until it was dinner time at 7.

After dinner came story time where Mother Diana sat on a chair and read out stories of ancient heroes of Legend to the children, until it was finally bedtime strictly at 9pm as the lights went out.

Life wasn't perfect for the children, but it was better than most others that shared their circumstance - all in no small part thanks to Mother Diana and her unconditional and strict yet loving care.

Among the thirty or so children that lived in the Church - were two young boys named Phyco and Wang. They had a gap of a few years - Wang was the older one.

Neither Phyco nor Wang knew how they wound up in the Church - their earliest memories of their life were all within the Church, knowing no other parental figure in their life other than Mother Diana. Were they orphans? Or were they just abandoned at the doors of the Church after being born as unwanted children? They never knew, and it never mattered as Mother Diana took them in and raised them without question.

Years went by without worry of Phyco and Wang, as they studied, ate, prayed, fought, played, and slept under the same roof of the Church. They would occasionally fight over petty things as all children do, but were always like brothers in the end when Mother intervened with her calming fairy aura.

Many times at night, Phyco and Wang would look at the distant faint light of Megalo Tower and dream of the day they could be successful enough to be working there. It was, for the most part, nothing more than a pipe dream.

Until a fateful day that turned their lives around.

It was late in the afternoon. All the children were gathered around the little TV of the Church as they watched cartoons.

Suddenly, the channel cut its usual program, and switched to a live press conference by the Supreme Leader of Auraini Prime.

The Supreme Leader was a mysterious person. They wore all white clothing with teal accents, and had a veil covering their entire face. Only their pitch black eyes were visible as they spoke in a voice that was hard to classify as either feminine or masculine.

Supreme Leader (On TV): "As such, I am proud to announce the new secularism bill is now in full effect. All places of worship throughout Auraini Prime will be dismantled, and the state shall take in the people working there under its own ranks-"

Mother Diana quickly turned off the TV. "Okay, children! It's bed time! Everyone head to your beds!" She announced.

All of the children quickly got up and promptly headed to bed without any noise. All but two - Phyco and Wang.

Phyco and Wang turned to Mother Diana. They saw her horrified expression - they knew something was bothering her as of late, and the press conference they just saw a glimpse of was likely the cause. The two inquired Mother about the matter.

"Go to sleep, my little ones." Mother replied, patting their heads. "Leave adult matters to the adults."

The two boys nodded, and went to bed as told.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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