Betrayers get Betrayed! Dr. Fuji's Stolen Experiment!

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[Indigo League journey Day 5, Pewter City. 5PM]

Writer's POV

Narrator: "While Ash and his friends encountered Mewtwo and helped him, The Team Rocket Trio, Jessie, James and Meowth, along with Dr. Fuji just arrived in Pewter City. The Team Rocket trio were in hopes of learning more about Mewtwo, while Dr. Fuji was hoping to find Ash so he can set himself free."

"Well, there's the Gym. I wonder what the Twerp has to do with you" Jessie said to Dr. Fuji as she pointed at the Gym. "I don't know either" Dr. Fuji replied, as he continued walking with his hands on his back since he was handcuffed by Meowth. 

"Were the handcuffs necessary?" Dr. Fuji says, as he looks behind at Meowth. "These two lugs may trust ya, but I ain't trustin' no-one! especially a scientist!" Meowth replied in his cranky manner. 

"Well, we're here." James says as they all reach the Gym. "Let's go inside and speak to the gym leader" Jessie said as she entered the gym, with James, Meowth and a handcuffed Dr. Fuji behind her.

"I thought you were helping me." Dr. Fuji said to the three, as he struggled with the tight handcuffs. "No, no, old man. We're helping ourselves, you see. Once we get the down-low on Mewtwo, we'll catch it and become unstoppable!" Jessie said, as she started daydreaming.

They all entered the gym, where they were greeted by Forrest, who was sitting on a huge rock, in a way as if he were doing yoga. "Which one of you is here for a gym battle?" Forrest said in a commanding tone, as he spotted the Team Rocket trio and Dr. Fuji.

"We're here for some information, kid." Meowth said to Forrest as he gently pushed Dr. Fuji ahead, so he could start talking. "M-M-My name is Dr. Fuji. I-I-I was told you could help me in searching for someone named Ash Ketchum" Dr. Fuji said to Forrest, in a terrified manner. 

"Yeah. I know him. But wait! You three! I know those uniforms and that talking Meowth!" Forrest exclaimed, as he recognized that Jessie, James and Meowth were a part of Team Rocket.

"We're not bad guys anymore, kid! We're here to help!" Jessie and James said, as they raised their hands as if they were at a gun-point. "I know your lying tactics very well! Steelix'll take care of you three!" Forrest exclaimed, as he released Brock's Steelix. 

"You've got the wrong Idea!" The Team Rocket trio said in a terrified manner, as they looked at the huge Pokemon in front of them. Dr. Fuji moved aside, while Team Rocket stood together, looking at the giant Pokemon.

"Whatever! Arbok! come out and use poison sting!" Jessie exclaimed as she threw Arbok's Pokeball. "Charbokk!" Arbok exclaimed as he opened his mouth and released a swarm of white needles right at Steelix. 

The Poison sting attack hit Steelix's body, but had zero effect on him. "Haha! Idiots! Don't you know that Poison-type attacks are useless against Steelix?" Forrest said as he laughed.

"Okay, Steelix! Throw them outside! Use Iron Tail!" Forrest exclaimed. Steelix swung his huge body as it's end glowed white. Then it proceeded and slammed it's white end right at the feet of the Team Rocket trio and Arbok, creating an explosion and sending the Trio blasting off through the roof of the gym.

Team Rocket (In unison): "Team Rocket's blasting off again!"     


"Good work, Steelix! Now, Return!" Forrest said as he pointed Steelix's Pokeball at it and called it back in it's Pokeball.

Dr. Fuji looked at the trio who had helped him earlier, blast off. "Uh-- What made you think I wasn't with them?" Dr. Fuji said to Forrest in a surprised manner. "Because I've heard about you, Doctor. And I also noticed you were in cuffs." Forrest said as he got up from the rock, and walked towards Dr. Fuji. 

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