A Champion's Battle! the Spark of Another Journey! [10k Special]

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NOTE: The Games are NOT cannonical to this book. Similar events may unfold though.


[Indigo League Journey, Day 7.  Viridian City]

Writer's POV

It was afternoon time. A detective, black hair, brown coat, a white shirt and pants underneath, known as Detective Watcher is sitting on top of a building, looking at Four Suspects walk towards the nearby Viridian City Gym using his high-powered binoculars.

"Grr-- Grr--ow! Grow!" Detective Watcher's loyal Growlithe, who was right beside him said while also looking at the gym in the distance down below.

"Easy there, boy. We don't need any attention." Detective watcher said to his Growlithe while patting his head. He then went back to observing the suspects with his binoculars.

"These are definitely the suspects we've been after---" Detective Watcher said as he pulled out a Walkie-Talkie from his coat and turned it on.

"Officer Jenny. Do you read me?" Detective Watcher said in his walkie-talkie as he got in contact with the Viridian City Police HQ.

(On-Walkie Talkie) "Yes. I read you loud and clear, Detective Watcher." Officer Jenny replied.

"I am on top of a building, following a group of possible suspects. Their appearance matches your description. For some reason the group of four is heading into the Viridian Gym. If it is true what you say that these are members of Team Rocket, then I'm positive that their leader, the notorious Giovanni is holed up inside there." Detective Watcher said to Officer Jenny while looking through his binoculars as he observed Calem, and the Team Rocket Trio enter the Gym. 

(On-Walkie-Talie) "10-4, Detective. We'll send all of our available units for backup." Officer Jenny said to Watcher.

"That's a negative, Officer. We're not taking any chances when it comes to Giovanni. Contact some spies and get them to confirm if Giovanni is really inside there. Hand this case over to Detective Looker of the International Police. Giovanni is his top interest, so i'm sure he's going to do this job most effectively. Over and out" Detective Watcher replied to Officer Jenny and put away his Walkie-Talkie in his coat.

Detective watcher then disappeared away in the Urban Jungle.

[Inside the Viridian Gym]

Giovanni was in his office as usual, handling Team Rocket business while attending a call from someone from his evil organization. He was looking away from his brown table while sitting in his huge chair, wearing his favorite black suit with the classic red 'R' on it's pocket.

"WHAT!? Who's responsible for this!?" Giovanni said to the person on the phone in an angry manner.

(On-Phone) "We don't know, Sir. Security footage reveals that one of our grunts is responsible for leaking the Virus Antidote to Professor Oak of Pallet town. Since all of the grunts wear same uniforms, we have no leads other than the Grunt being Male." The Person, a Team Rocket member said to Giovanni.

"And what about the incident in Celadon City!?" Giovanni asked in an even more angry tone. 

(On-Phone) "It's true, Sir. The Game corner has been shut down completely and the grunts arrested. That Detective Looker was behind the raid." The Team Rocket member replied to Giovanni.

"This is getting out of hands! I want a complete investigation on who this grunt is. Find him! or ELSE!" Giovanni said in his anger-filled tone as he ended the call.

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